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...I bet you didn't expect to see me around any time soon!

I am so glad to now be back on this site I don't know what to do!  I am really looking forward to finding out how everyone has been fareing....

I guess I'll tell you what I've been up to:

I came back from my preliminary shoot for my documentary and stepped back into my regular job. That should have gone better, but for reasons I won't detail here, I recently quit my job to really work on my documentary and start up my little video business. So now that the old job headache is gone, I get to have other headaches but at least I welcome these new ones...., everybody let me know how you have been and what you have been up to.  It seems that Sonnyboo has been a IT superstar and the 'Broken' guys have been doing well and....just what has that ZenSteve been up to anyway!? And I hear that Loud Orange Cat is becoming a 'florida hates filmmakers' troublemaker!

I have been able to keep in touch with Boz, and Media Hero (hey!) and knightly (who has been saving my FCP/Mac bacon!) Hi to Indie and Maniacal Plan...(I gotta check out their site)

I look forward to catching up :)

-- spinner :cool:

The answer is 63636x6s6s6w55 (paste in the box)