I do not have this problem.
If something is truly outstanding, in one way or another, then I notice it. But that doesn't ruin my experience, or take me out of the movie. On the contrary, it sucks me in, even further.
I had the great pleasure of watching "Jurassic Park" on the big screen, a couple weeks ago. I spent probably half of the movie in awe of simple things like placement and movement of camera (stuff I didn't notice when I was 13, but now I do, because I'm a filmmaker), and I had the time of my life.
You might think I was only able to do this because I've seen "Jurassic Park" a million times. However, in semi-recent-memory, I recall having a similar experience when I saw "Children of Men", for the first time. Didn't ruin my experience. Didn't pull me out of the story. Loved every minute of it.
Also, I notice stuff that is outrageously horrible. And, of course that takes me out of the movie.
But stuff in the middle, stuff that's good but not particularly excellent, I'm just a regular patron of cinema; I just follow the story.