> Watched... Again! Films We've Already Seen But Just Gotta Watch 'em One More Time.

> Watched... Again! Films We've Already Seen But Just Gotta Watch 'em One More Time.

Overwhelmingly, almost dreadfully, most of the films any of us watch (assuming we don't just walk out or turn them off before conclusion) are worthy of only a single viewing.

The fantastic thread "What's the last film you watched? And rate it!" is full of them.

Many of my own contributions are worthy of "Meh... " responses, thus only a single viewing.

But I am increasingly fascinated as to WHY? some films that we know the entire story and scenes and lines and plot twists are coming yet we watch them again for the second, third, or [insert absurd multiple here] time!

I'm not necessarily interested in a rating
as I am in a WHY you just watched a film
you've already seen before?

Is it technical?
For example, I just rewatched Zack Snyder's '300' to see how they did the greenscreening and lighting.
Or aesthetics?
I also just rewatched Tarsem Singh's 'Immortals' for it's cinematography artwork.
Or you enjoy the story?
Recently rewatched J.J. Abrams' 'Star Trek' recently for this reason.
An actor or director's work you wanted to re-see?
I'm just finishing 'Cloud Atlas' and am wondering how this directorial style compares to 'The Matrix' and am considering rewatching the trilogy.

What drew you to rewatch these films?

Good question…

I think the film I’ve seen the most times is “Scream” and that’s a prime example of what you’re talking about… I already know who the killers are! In this case, it has to be a combination of the story, the dialogue and the actors performances that suck me back in for a new viewing every few months.

Off the top of my head, I can’t think of any particular films I’ve re-watched for the purpose of studying the technical aspects. I’ve watched a few films recently, to listen to the score and a few to study the lighting, but that’s about it. And they weren’t ever films that I’ve thought “Wow! That was lighting was so good, I need to see it again!”, they were just things that I’ve pulled out of my collection, similar to the sort of things that I want to do.
I'm about story first, and acting second...anything technical lags far behind in my considerations - either I want to re-visit the emotions that they elicit from me, or I want to see how they accomplished something that I particularly admire (sometimes a story twist, or an emotion, or suspense).

Some of the classics are certainly on the list: Casablanca, Notorious, Rear Window, North by Northwest, and The Godfather come immediately to mind.

Also lots of movies from the past 30 years that I simply like: Sideways, Unfaithful, Love Actually, Tootsie, Little Miss Sunshine, Groundhog Day, and Lost in Translation are on that list.
I watch intelligent films that make me think because I pick up more on the subtle details every time I watch them.

Here is my list of such films.

The Matrix (Original Only)
The Day The Earth Stood Still
Colossus The Forbin Project
The Silence Of The Lambs
The Ninth Gate
The Watchmen
Terminator 2 Judgment Day
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Definitely an interesting question. I do rewatch most films after a time as long as I liked them. But I've never really thought about why.

There's a long list of films that I watch pretty much every year. Christmas movies come to mind. I've got my collection and for the month of December I've got great entertainment. I also like to do theme movies, Groundhogs Day, Independence Day on their respective holidays. Home for the Holidays is usually Thanksgiving.

So it would seem that the reason, apart from that they're great movies with good stories and acting, is that I put them on to get in a certain mood or for a certain vibe. So I usually rewatch League of Their Own and Sandlot at some point in the summer after I've been watching a lot of baseball. That sort of thing.

I guess it's a sense of wanting to spend some more time in a particular world that the filmmaker has created. Sometimes even sub-par movies can have a great world or atmosphere that just makes you want to come back for another visit every now and again.
Wow, good question...
Films I've watched more than once... hmm.

I get inspired to write music if a film affects me emotionally. I can link quite a few of my songs directly to films I watched that inspired them. An example is Princess Mononoke which I've watched 3 or 4 times.
That film I can watch over and over because, for me, it's the complete package. Beautiful art and animation, a stunning soundtrack and a heartfelt story with an ecological message.

Other films include The Terminator trilogy and Neverwas (a "straight to DVD" film with some great actors and a depressing story).

(If you're interested I can show you tracks that were inspired by films that I watched more than once, but I won't link those here, that'd be self-promotion)
I rewatch films a lot. And reread books. And replay video games. In fact, I don't own many dvds that I haven't watched a few times (many I've rented or seen in theaters before buying the home version).

As to why, well there's a ton of reasons. Sometimes I like seeing things that I missed. Sometimes I like seeing subtle foreshadowing that I didn't pick up on. Sometimes I like experiencing the journey again, spending time with characters I liked (or enjoyed not liking).

I think I would generally say that if knowing what is going to happen ruins your appreciation of a given work, that work is probably not to your tastes.

And as an aside, I hadn't seen Neverwas, but wow, what a cast! I'll have to check that out!
It's an interesting question, no doubt, and there have been some great answers here. My initial reaction, to be honest however, is that we're just overcomplicating the subject.

We don't ask why we'd listen to our favorite song again. For the BILLIONTH time! We don't ask why we smile every time we look at our favorite painting. Just cuz you know how a song ends doesn't mean you can't keep enjoying the meticulously-designed journey that gets us there. The only answer necessary is that we like it! :D
I can watch many movies over and over. It's usually for an interesting story, acting, action... I don't feel like the entertainment value diminishes after already seeing it, and that goes for ANY film. The only way I don't watch a movie again is if I just saw it that day (Though, I have immediately rewatched a few movies after seeing them a few times)

Hell, isn't this why a DVD collection exists in the first place?
I like challenging films. When a film is challenging, you have to give it full attention, and sometimes come up with your own interpretation of it. Here are a few:

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Any movie made by David Lynch
The Matrix

I also love Woody Allen and Wes Anderson films. I have seen both of their films multiple times because I like that kind of quirky, awkward sense of humor, and they are just all around enjoyable films.
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Dr. Strangelove.

A classic made on a shoestring budget, including the recycling of actors.

Only 2 interior sets, plus a faked interior of an airplane, a motel room, stock footage and editing room tricks.

Anyone can shoot this for practically nothing. No expensive gear. No large crew.
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Apart from re-watching because i enjoy the movie like:
Any given sunday, the fast and the furious if nothing else to do, or the Rocky series or to many to name in this catergory,
But one that has to be watched to understand what movie making is
watch Sleuth 1972, for its simplicity yet its complicated and very on your edge pace, which has no action.
or 12 angry men, very limited scenes but the dialogue and actors expressions make the movie so much enjoyable, and no need for any non-sense such as explosions, money or etc
So, it just occurred to me that my prior comments kinda sounded dismissive of this conversation. I'm sorry, that was not intentional. I only meant to highlight the fact that just because we know what a burger tastes like, that doesn't mean we should stop eating them. :)

Anyway, if we were to talk specifics, the movie that has the highest replay value in my library is Team America. I guess I can't intellectualize it any more than to say that the irreverent humor mixed with sly political commentary just hits the right spot on my funny bone. No matter how many times I see it, I laugh at all the same jokes, regardless of the fact that I can practically recite them line by line.
Honestly, ease of watching is my primary reason for rewatching things.

There are movies that I think are utterly brilliant that I've only watched once or maybe twice because I just don't think watching them again will have the same impact or give me the same enjoyment. An excellent example of this is Pan's Labyrinth. IMO it's a brilliant film but I just can't bring myself to watch it a second time. Whereas something like Equilibrium which really isn't all that great or original, I absolutely love watching over and over again.

There's a visceral connection to movies like Equilibrium where you connect with the subject matter in a way that technically brilliant movies might not evoke even if you recognise their artistry and the expertise that went into creating them.
Anyway, if we were to talk specifics, the movie that has the highest replay value in my library is Team America. I guess I can't intellectualize it any more than to say that the irreverent humor mixed with sly political commentary just hits the right spot on my funny bone. No matter how many times I see it, I laugh at all the same jokes, regardless of the fact that I can practically recite them line by line.

I LOVE that movie!