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watch Warlock (quest for the necronomicon)

Im not sure what kind of humour some people have, but I found this quite funny.

Where did you get your effects and stock footage may I ask?

Some nice editing going on though, but damn bad acting, but thats whats funny, cheesy effects and that.
My friends arent the best of actors.

I did most of the effects in after effects 7 and particle illusion.

As for stock footage i didnt use any,i filmed the castle myself and the flying through the clouds
i designed in vue 6.

Thanks for looking.
I rarely ever comment on videos I've seen but for some reason I just have to say this video was quite entertaining :P For being a low budget offering anyway
And I didn't realize this was actually filmed in the UK until one of the last shots where you see the book and the flower trying to steal the show :D

Great stuff!
the CG looked like something from a made for tv sci fi movie.
the undead voices made me laugh.
the cam work wasn't as bad and I figured it would be.

keep up the work you will deff improve over time.
Thanks all,i think im gradually getting better.

Yeah UK, :)

That book was made from an old guitar tutor book i had lying around,i moulded a latex skull and stuck it on the front cover,then coated everything with latex many times,then spray painted many layers.