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Wardrobes on camera (colors)

Are there certain colors that look better on camera, with proper lighting? Are there certain patterns on wardrobles I should stary away from?
Thin stripes tend to look bad. They will often times create a moire pattern, which is pretty distracting.

Bright reds and are pretty overpowering.

The best option is to fit your wardrobe into the overall color scheme of the film..
Will HATES RED.. hes like a bull that way ;)

Will is probably old school, like me; he doesn't necessarily hate red, but knows that NTSC hates red. Us long-timers had that drilled in at an early age. Back in the vidicon tube days, someone in a red shirt pretty much looked like they were hemorrhaging all over the screen. DV wasn't a whole lot better. HD handles red pretty well, but it's such an attention-grabbing color you have to plan carefully how you use it. Plus, much that is shot in HD still ends up being watched in NTSC anyway.
As they said, thin lines, and thin checkerd shirts will cause wierd looks, and bright whites or solid whites will be a bit fussy with exposure.

Any solid bright colors that are 'poppy' should be used with care.