Wanting to become a screenwriter/director

Hello, indietalk members,

I am looking for some guidance in film making, that I'm in real need for, I feel like British residents will be more useful for this, because they know the education system better than foreigners, but feel free to give your view, point, advice etc. Thanks.

I've joined a college, and planning to work my way up to do Film at a Scottish university, since I live there of course. But I feel like the course isn't very helpful, and is a waste of time.

I was thinking, this may be a mad idea to some, but I feel like I don't have to actually go through that whole process, and end up getting myself in student debt, I mean why can't I learn all the techniques by myself, and make my own films, with a production company, or other film makers in the same position as myself.

I'd be happy to learn everything, while having a part time job to get some pennies in, while planning, writing, directing my own films, enter them into to film festivals, and see what happens, I mean didn't Quentin Tarantino first get noticed when he entered "Reservoir Dogs" into a film festival.

Also, I am planning on moving to New York in the future, through a good friend of mines, what will surely help.

I would like to hear others people's opinion on this, advice, and such.


"To school, or not to school; that is the question!" has been debated endlessly on this and other forums.

Some folks love school and/or need the structure.

Others (like myself) thrive following the hands-on, learn-by-doing method of education. However, this requires HUGE amounts of personal discipline.

If you are planning on doing this because you want to be famous, forget about it; you pursue artistic careers because you love it. The odds are long and greatly stacked against you, even if you just want be another toiler in the celluloid vineyards, much less become "famous."

I set out to be a "rock star" all those many moons ago; ended up as a musical director. I love sound, and the transition to audio post 10+ years ago was natural. I don't care about fame and fortune. I've even had a tiny taste - HATED IT!!!! I now run my own small audio post business, get to spend time with my wife and kids, see family and friends on occasion, and generally like where I am - that's success.

"Money and fame are only a by-product of being the very best at what you do." - RHK

"Life has been meant for you to enjoy, but you won't enjoy it unless you pay for it with some good, hard work; this is one price that will never be marked down." - Harpo Marx
When I started out with the thought that I want to be a film director in the future, I didn't think about "wanting to become famous", all I was thinking about was making awesome films for people to watch, what would stir up all kinds of emotions in the audience.

I had a thought, I could have a part time job working anywhere, a nice little apartment for myself, and I could just make films n my extra time. THAT would be my dream.
Look vaguely familiar? http://www.indietalk.com/showthread.php?t=46432

Enthusiasm is great in the bedroom... and that's about it.

You can make your own films, no problem.
Getting them in front of people is the hard part.

Apply a considerable amount of effort into learning WHERE your films are to be shown, learn the display format parameters and limitations, then start crafting your film according to an appropriate budget and technical output/format for video and audio.
And marketing is likely just as important as film production.

That's where the enthusiasm will help. ;)
Rayw, that was a interesting link, I'm sure that will be really helpful to me, also I liked the diagram you made of the path I have ahead of me, it really put it into propsective Thanks :D
Well, that wasn't what I intended, it was the only example I could think of, but it's cool, I should have pointed that out in the original post.

Not your problem at all; it's what I read into statements like that. Besides, there are far too many attracted to the fame and fortune aspect who don't realize how much talent and how much extremely hard work and dedication is required. I could never be an actor; they work much too hard and have to dig much too deeply into emotions which I would rather leave buried.
Not your problem at all; it's what I read into statements like that. Besides, there are far too many attracted to the fame and fortune aspect who don't realize how much talent and how much extremely hard work and dedication is required. I could never be an actor; they work much too hard and have to dig much too deeply into emotions which I would rather leave buried.

That was deep...I'm still young, but im committed to do great things in my life, I'm determined to become a successful film director, and have my work on the big screen, to have the ability to say...I did that, have my name in the credits, that'd be my dream. I don't want fancy cars, or big houses. Material wealth means nothing to me, as long as I have enough money to survive. Schindler's List taught me a lesson in life, and I want to give any wealth I create to people, people who's life need saving, I want to do as much as I can for them.
Also, if anyone of tu have any sites that have a ton of tutorials, on everything to do with filmmaking that would be awesome.

I'll will also be learning from you guys.

I feel that this is gonna be a lot of fun.
Welcome. This site has made me realized school is really not the answer to making films. Yea you can go and learn a lot and make connections but reading books is about the same thing. I got tons of filming and screenwriting book for christmas. I have learned a lot about screenwriting. I would reccomend The Screenwriters Bible. Good Luck
That's not saying much; sometimes I think that, after 3,500+ posts you haven't learned a thing.

Liiiiiike... resurrecting three week old dead threads? Maybe?
