Want to go to Cannes? (network,intern,make short)

Wait a minute... is there something wrong with me, or is it just this whole industry fraught with scams?

Over $2000 for "shared accommodations" and "setting up an internship" while at Cannes... but they don't even cover airfare? I mean, it looks like it would be a fun experience, but this sounds like a shady scam to bilk money out of rich spoiled North American kids who aspire to be famous by being flaky creative debutant farts making self-indulging films about philisophical ideas that no one gives a shit about, but some guy in shades thinks will "really sell in Europe"... hmmm... like me, minus the rich and spoiled part...

You'll need to spend easily $3000-$5000 more for the flights and non-covered expenses... seeing as they only cover breakfast as well.

What a waste of money. They can't guarantee you a job, and even if they do, it's as an unpaid intern that "could possibly" lead to future connections.

If I had $5000-$10000 to simply go on vacation with a bunch of other strangers, then sure. But that just looks like a cheap way to cash in on people's career aspirations.
Hmmm, Didnt see that they didnt cover airfare. Maybe that's why they have a fundraising page?

What you say is very valid and not worth the price. I agree with you. It is a big rip-off. I thought the 2k would pay for everything.
It is true that it's ridiculously expensive, even really successful people have a hard time getting there without the help of a company backing them. Despite that, I wish I could go. I'm sure the information you would receive and people you would meet would be well worth it all... in my dreams.