Been a while since I've been on here. But I thought I would share some of whats been goin on with me for the last few months in terms of filmmaking. Just this past weekend, I had the honor and privilage of working on a 7 min finance trailer called "WADE." Written and directed by Tim Whitmore. The story is about: a war hero moves to a small town to become a bug exterminator. Everything's fine until there's a massive chemical spill and it turns the people of the town into zombies. Wade goes back to his war fighter roots and saves the town from damnation. Now, Tim did make a 20 minute "WADE" short back in 2009 which won awards but what we shot this past weekend was a trailer to get a budget so he can make "WADE" into a feature film. It stars Andy Whitmore, Tims brother who plays Wade and it also stars Kim Poirier (Dawn of the Dead, Decoys 1 and 2). We had her for 10 hours on Sundays shoot. Mike Hard (The Mosquito) was also in it as well. Possibly the best weekend I've ever had. Kim was just a joy to work with and she's really down to earth and super nice! Mike was just great to work with.

Tim, seen my visual effects work on youtube and liked it so much that he brought me on as the visual effects supervisor for "WADE." So I was on set alot. Lots of hands on stuff and I learned alot about the aspects of filmmaking. And the best part of all this is that Tim and I live in the same county. We were introduced by a friend of mine on facebook who's going to be doing makeup fx on my short film project who also did the makeup fx for "WADE." What a small world haha. Anyways I thought I would share that bit with you all. Its just I'm really excited about all the good things that are finally happening for me and hope the momentum keeps going. Check out the websites:


And if you have a facebook, just type in WADE in the search bar and you'll see the page. :D