series Voyage Trekkers - Sci-fi Comedy Series

Hey there! My friends and I have just finished the first season of our comedy web series Voyage Trekkers, about the worst crew in the galaxy, and I wanted to share it with you guys and get your feedback. There's ten episodes, with the season finale actually being a "choose your own adventure." Right now we're working on making season two.
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I hate you so much right now...

I had an idea that was SOOO similar to this that I wanted to begin writing after my first movie..... Well, at least there are a lot of key differences...

Good show, by the way.
Those 'Voyage Trekkers' episodes are great!

Impressive Squishy Studios website you have set up.
Is that a easy presence to maintain with all those links or is it a whole side job altogether?

Also, how'd your successful 'Help Us Build A Starship Bridge' project go?

I've a thread running on how these campaigns go and would be interested in your experience, as well.
rayw, thanks!

Regarding the social networking like the links blog, facebook, and twitter ... it feels like a full time job. I'm really having to delegate certain tasks to trusted friends now, it can be overwhelming. I try to keep the ones though that I feel are "my voice", like the blog and facebook.

Our fundraiser went great! We raised what we think/thought is enough to build the bridge. One factor we didn't account for was renting the space we needed to build and shoot the bridge in, so we're ... dealing with that as we speak. :) But rest assured we're going to pull it off. ... Somehow!