*Vote Today*

Regardless.. I'm about 75% ready to become an expat. ;)

Selling the house, etc, and moving to Austria to be a ski-bum on the Stubai Glacier year-round sounds appealing.
You're not the first person I've heard say something like that. I still think the U.S. and Canada are the best places on the planet to live. You should travel to Taiwan or China sometime. It will really make you appreciate what we have.
Well, they're calling Ohio for Obama, so he's making a strong showing. Good for him. I just hope it ends up being good for the country. The next four years will be very interesting.
I love the idea of America, unfortunately, that idea is becoming less reality the longer I'm alive.. and so as not to start any kind of republican/democrat argument I firmly believe that both parties are equally to blame. The two-party system is an illusion.

With that, I conclude my participation in this thread... I've seen these kinds go horribly horribly wrong, and quick. But really it's the wrong forum for such discussions anyway. We're here to talk about film, not elections....

The only votes I care about are umm.. those that will award my films with something. :lol:
When voting for president today, I filled in the 'write in' candidate line with one name: Bender Bending Rodriguez.

His platform: "Screw this. I'll open my own casino. With blackjack! And hookers! You know what? Forget the backjack. Forget the casino too!"

Yeah, baby. That's someone I'd vote for.

(Awaits for an answer from Spatula)
Obama won! Just as I had long hoped for. I know Washington is turning in his grave; completely against 2 political parties. I dont blame him, I hope one day we can unite.. (never happen)

Anyways. Obama is a very intellectual man. He will pick up fast and I have faith in him. We have had a conservative in there for 8 years now, we can't go wrong trying out someone fresh.
I love the idea of America, unfortunately, that idea is becoming less reality the longer I'm alive.. and so as not to start any kind of republican/democrat argument I firmly believe that both parties are equally to blame. The two-party system is an illusion.

With that, I conclude my participation in this thread... I've seen these kinds go horribly horribly wrong, and quick. But really it's the wrong forum for such discussions anyway. We're here to talk about film, not elections....

The only votes I care about are umm.. those that will award my films with something. :lol:

I think you're quite right about the two party system being flawed and America becoming a watered-down democracy... if you think about it, a job at any company requires you to waive some of your basic democratic rights and enter into a corporate structure, which is ultimately fascist in nature. Thus, America is really an oligarchy within the framework of an "A and B" democracy... Oceania and Eurasia so to speak...

However I don't think we should shy away from political debate... in fact, sometimes I think that may be the problem with democracy- no one can achieve a good civil debate without striking blows. But hey- we're all filmmakers- regardless of our politics, I'd hope our skills at negotiation, coordination and creativity would allow us to discuss our unique perspectives in a respectable way. Politics affects films, and films are made about politics.

When voting for president today, I filled in the 'write in' candidate line with one name: Bender Bending Rodriguez.
His platform: "Screw this. I'll open my own casino. With blackjack! And hookers! You know what? Forget the backjack. Forget the casino too!"

Yeah, baby. That's someone I'd vote for.

Holy crap, Bender Bending Rodriguez is Canada's Minister of Bending.... I didn't know he was running as a write-in in Florida! Besides, the beer is stronger up here, why would he ever leave???

Anyway, now let's hope Obama can start healing the political system so that it's not so taboo that we're "not to speak of politics" because of a divided 2-party system. And then who knows, Ron Paul '12? LOL.
We had some good debate in another forum I frequent (car forum, not film). I actually predicted Obama's victory a week ago. When asked why, I said this:

Because he is a charismatic and influentual speaker with whom young America is enamoured. Ask many of them why they're voting for him and few can give you a reason or state his qualifications. Clinton was also charismatic and influential. And that led to some fringe benefits that almost got him impeached. I'm not saying Obama would do that. I'm just making the point that "charismatic and influential" should not be the only criteria for choosing the next president.

These candidates in the minds of the young voters could be summed up in one of Will Smith's lines from Men in Black, "Old and busted... New hotness". But that "old and busted" ride in my mind, just like in Men in Black, has some amazing, hidden potential.

I have no problems with an American of African descent (there is no such thing as an "African American"; either you're American or you're not) in office. I'm just not happy with this particular individual. But that's my opinion and I am entitled to it just as you are entitled to yours. There is no race except the human race, and we're all a part of it. When society accepts this, the world will be a better place. You want the truth? It's Biden and the other Democrats in power (e.g. Pelosi) who scare the hell out of me moreso than Obama.

Where would this country be without debate? Without conflict? While no clear winner emerges from these exchanges, one thing is certain. Each comes away with a fresh perspective. And hopefully we as Americans (integrated as One Nation and not segregated into Polish American, Irish American, African American, Mexican American, et. al.) can eventually come together and take control of this country again, of the people, by the people and for the people.
America is really an oligarchy within the framework of an "A and B" democracy... Oceania and Eurasia so to speak...
Careful, Big Brother is watching...

And then who knows, Ron Paul '12? LOL.
Nope, he's not running again.
Holy crap, Bender Bending Rodriguez is Canada's Minister of Bending.... I didn't know he was running as a write-in in Florida! Besides, the beer is stronger up here, why would he ever leave???


he lost this election, something about not bending enough till the end of his term, :weird: :rolleyes:
...but if all you needed was to be charismatic, influential and have young America be enamored by you, why not vote for the Jonas Brothers? (I still can't figure that out yet) :D

As an African American, the American or not is an arguement I never engage in. However, to my mind, Obama represents an individual that most Americans can see themselves in. Where the GOP has never really been the party of inclusion, I think Americans see a person who represents them regardless of race and that is why he won. The media, and I know media, is making a big deal out of "the African-American vote" when in fact everyone voted for Obama. (unless you voted for McCain)

I'm even glad that the white house is not filibuster proof. We still need opposing opinions so that everyone can be heard for a change.

Hopefully Obama will be able to do a good job and repair the U.S. reputation in the world as well as bringing our country together. I think with him in office, all American people can feel as though they have a voice in the way our country is run. That in itself is a big deal for all Americans.

-- spinner :cool: