Von Trier's "Antichrist" - Worth watching?

"Antichrist" as I'm aware, is a film that has very much divided opinions of critics and viewers. What I wanna know is, for all it's media attention, sex and violence, is it a film that is actually worth watching?
And how graphic is the mutilation at the end of the movie?
"Antichrist" as I'm aware, is a film that has very much divided opinions of critics and viewers. What I wanna know is, for all it's media attention, sex and violence, is it a film that is actually worth watching?
And how graphic is the mutilation at the end of the movie?

Its been on my Netflix queue for months I too would like to know other people's thoughts on this movie.
I didn't like it that much.

It's a polarizing film I guess, but I kind of sit in the middle :D There's enough there artisitcally to justify it as a film, and the acting from Willem Dafoe and Charlotte Gainsbourg is really good. But the whole thing is kind of pointless and the plot hangs by a thread. It's clear that Von Trier spent more time preparing the shock scenes and disturbing imagery than he did on trying to put that all together along with a coherent plot.

What can i say about the self mutilation? I recently watched 'A Serbian Film' which a lot of people think is the most grisly film ever made. Well, the ending of 'Antichrist' made me feel more sick than that...

My recommendation: When she get's the scissors, fast forward. There's some nasty stuff before that, but it moves to another league... :(
I was described this movie in its entirity, yesterday.

For whatever an opinion is worth based upon a running commentary, it sounded as though it's very much hype, eye-candy, and unecessary.

Something i don't happen to find appealing.
Oh, I remember reading about the scissor scene, sounds reasonablly horrible (as does the hammer attack that comes before it). The thing that compells me to actually try and watch this movie is that a lot of the imagery and things like that in the middle of the movie before it descends into hammer and scissor mode seems really interesting and could be good.
And it just seems like it might be quite a good film, call me crazy for thinking that if you must ;)
It basically sounds like an exploitation film. I wish it was the good old days when you could still exploit sex instead of violence. I mean you still can exploit sex, but not in the true "exploitation" sense of providing the audience something not to be found in mainstream movies.
We had this delivered from Netflix, thinking it a perfect holiday rental (!) but never got around to watching it. Hmmmm....

I am still curious and may have to check it out someday.
It's a very um...strange film, but I never got through the whole thing, just too slow for me. As far as artistically, yes, it's very good. I've never gotten to this whole mutilation scene, so I wouldn't be able to tell you anything about that. But if you could get through most of the Hellraisers, the Hostel movies, Saw, any of that, I'm sure you could get through the ending of this movie from what I've read.
I saw it when it hit the theatres, one year or so ago.
It's a shocking film, like every Lars von Trier film, and like many Lars von Trier films there's not much more that makes the film any interesting (apart from the beautiful cinematography, probably).
Personally, I found the film to be a waste of time, because it really isn't more than an "artsy" horror film.
However if you want to watch it, do so, form your own opinion.

If it's the violence you're worried about, well, yeah there are mutiliation scenes in closeup in Antichrist; but since that's what the film's aiming at fast forwarding those scenes will ruin the movie.
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I like a lot of his films, Dancer in the Dark and Dogville are still some of my favorite films, so I will say yes, it is worth watching. The film has some beautiful cinematography and great acting. As far graphic scenes, yes they are very graphic but I also believe them to be pretty central to the story and the characters.