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Virgin Media Shorts nominees announced

Virgin Media Shorts has just released their shortlist of 11 films for this years competition. Check out the films at http://www.virginmediashorts.co.uk/shortlist/. A group of industry judges including Kevin Spacey is deciding who wins the main award on the 22nd September but you can vote for your favourite on the website – this will decide the people’s choice award. The cool thing is that anyone who votes could win one of 50 year round cinema passes.

I think Cribble’s animation is possibly my favourite, fantastic visuals and music. I also like Tim Key’s The Transaction, cleverly shot and witty. It would be great to hear what people think of the nominees.

Matt (on behalf of Virgin Media Shorts)


I don't think I can look at that. I'll just start to feel regretful.
I was going enter, but I just couldn't get anything done. Wish I had people to help.
Michael I just watched your film, I loved the dialogue! It's nicely shot too, you should have another go at next years competition.

Anyone else got a favourite? 3 Little words is cool but a bit close to home for me..!
Hey folks,

Just another reminder, cause time's running out. There are two days left to vote for the People's Choice award in Virgin Media Shorts. There's 12 short films on the shortlist, and my favourites aren't anywhere near the top...
"Hiccup" and "She Farted and Created the World" are doing well, among others. Have a look, vote and tell me which ones you liked!

You need to sign up to become a critic and vote, but signing up also enters you into the draw for one of 50 free one-year cinema passes. So it's a pretty good deal.

Give it a go!

Matt (on behalf of Virgin Media Shorts)