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Viking Movie script, suggestions and changes

Here is my script so far. What would you like to see in a movie? What should be changed? Don't say anything that would require a huge budget.

Medieval house, montage of grabbing weapons and armor.
Viking hikes across snowy mountains.
Explores caves.
Travels through forrest.
He battles fire wizard.
Finds dragon.
Charges dragon and cut to black.

This is rough. I want the main focus to be the journey of finding the dragon and the wizard fight is to add action if the audience gets bored.
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Cyan on light grey is hard to read and a pretty ugly combo... :P

Indeed, it is not a script.
It is a list of scenes only telling us what it is about. Not what really happens.

Who are the Vikings? How many of them?
Why are they looking for the dragon?
Are they bored of doing dishes while the wives do their broideries?
Do they have a death wish?
Too much testoron that makes them want to kill them selves so the leader can impress some girl?
Do they need to protect their village?
Do they want to avange the death of their families?

BTW, I remember you said you already shot most of it?
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Here is my script so far. What would you like to see in a movie? What should be changed? Don't say anything that would require a huge budget.

Medieval house, montage of grabbing weapons and armor.
Viking hikes across snowy mountains.
Explores caves.
Travels through forrest.
He battles fire wizard.
Finds dragon.
Charges dragon and cut to black.

This is rough. I want the main focus to be the journey of finding the dragon and the wizard fight is to add action if the audience gets bored.
More landscape(not just snowy mountains and caves).
More enemies(minions, could be other vikings who, being under the wizard's or dragon's spell, are now fighting against your hero/main character and various supernatural Norse-mythology inspired enemies)
A story behind all this
Epic dialogue(just try to...:))
An awesome final battle with the dragon...
PS: I've read your post about Skyrim. You could make all this either as a movie(independent to the game) or using the game itself. In my country, there is a church who uses Second Life and Sims 3 to make their videos(they could create humans, demons, angels, hell and heaven,etc.)...Hadn't it been for the worst dialogue ever(and unintentionally, the funniest) and the arrogance of which some of those so called " good " characters seem to be full off, it would've been a great and original series of videos. Anyway, just something to think about...:)