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VideoCopilot TRIM COMPOSE Script (Free)

Wheantgrinder gives two big thumbs up to the newest free tool \ tut from the saint Andrew Kramer of Video Copilot.net

I saw this last night, and used it today. This simple tool saved me a lot of time this evening with my current commercial shoot. http://www.videocopilot.net/tutorials/trim_compose_script/

This evening I used it on one 90 second AE project with 23 clips, each needing multiple layers and comps. Easy to use, a snap to install and works exactly as advertised.
Andrew Kramer... I just have to say this, first and foremost I am super jealous of him and what he does. Secondly I don't have the knowledge nor probably the patience, but damn he is darn good - and seems like a nice guy.
This little script is super nice, saves a lot of time - wish I knew about this when doing color grading for the short I was working on. Oh well :)
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