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Video effects....please help!

Hello guys,

My name is Anton, I'm new on this forum and I'm sorry for my english.

I finished my music video recently and I'd love to add some post effects to it.
I'm using a FinalCut pro 7, and Vegas 11.

May I ask you - how can I create the following effects….?


in this video - the picture is "shaking", it doesn't play smooth, like it's missing some frames… How can I archive that effect?

Same thing in the next video… There also some shaking but it's different when she sings:



And the last question…In the next video you may notice that there's a light
blinking on the walls in some locations…For example on 0:57


It's there's any plugins for FinalCut that can add those shaking effects and light blinking?

Hi Anton, welcome..

I did not see any post effects in the first video, all I noted was the shutter speed was very high which resulted in being able to see the strings "flop" on the guitar.

A fast shutter speed is also used in the second music video, which gives it that very aggressive look... in addition there are dropped frames which are just edits you do in vegas. Just cut a few frames out from a clip in a rhythmic fashion and you should have that look.

The third video is a time lapse video, all the shakiness etc is a result of the play of light and shadow which normal is slow, but becomes an "effect" when the video is sped up.

Hope this helps.
Hi! Thanks a lot for your reply.

It's exactly what I was looking for. Is there's a chance to emulate that fast shutter effect some how? Maybe some plugins?


Removing frames as suggested by the first comment will slow your footage down. If you have After Effects you can use the built in plug in Time Warp. Also it is much easy to do the slow down effect when filming then in post.
shutter speed has an effect on motion blur. Removing motion blur is hard, if its even possible.

You can try posterize time effect in after effects, I think there is a similar effect in vegas called STROBE??