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watch Very short Comedy - Bed Wetting

Funny idea, however, I think this would've worked better had you not had the two cuts. The cuts make it obvious that this is all a pre-planned sketch, which doesn't fit with the build up. One continuous video would've appeared more like a "real" YouTube prank, and wouldn't take the viewer out of the joke.

Why are those cuts there? Did the take go wrong?
The cuts are there for two reasons: One, to immediately identify this as a parody of prank videos, and not a real prank video. I wasn't trying to fool anyone into thinking it's real, but the problem is, some people wouldn't be able to tell the difference (that's also why the lightning looks so over-the-top fake)

The second, and more important reason: I didn't want to ruin my toaster. Lol.... I actually threw in a tub of baby wipes, and then tracked an image of that toaster over it.
I actually threw in a tub of baby wipes, and then tracked an image of that toaster over it...

Ha! Good work. I wouldn't have noticed had you not said. Looking closely, you can see that the reflection doesn't change. But for the few frames it's on screen, it works perfectly!