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watch Velociraptor Loose In School


Back when I was in high school, they would never shut the school down for anything....... ANYTHING...

Feedback. Feed it to me.
I like the eating sounds at the end the best.
For the video.. you could have done something visually more suspenseful.

Even if it was the same hallway or something, a really slow dolly in shot would have given a sense of some progression or pending raptor attack. I'm guess though that this was just an image downloaded somewhere.. maybe if it was high enough quality you could have done a post-zoom
Yeah, some amusing dialogue in there. Would have been so much better had you gotten a variety of shots, even more so with students in the hallways, showing off their reactions (or lack there of; could possibly quite funny to have the report of an escaped dinosaur, while non of the students really give a damn). I'm sure that was beyond you means right now, or it wasn't quite what you were going for here. Still, cool though.

Oh, and the raptor itself was cool too. Are they looking for any effects guys over at SyFy?
thanks for the feedback. The intention was for it to be a single shot, so that your imagination could fill in the horrible images you're missing out on (as well as student reactions)
Not bad! I liked it overall. You got a laugh out of me, so I guess you've done your job!

While I did like it, a dolly in (like Foster mentioned), as well as perhaps some subtle flickering of the lights or something to give the scene some more realism and depth would be nice. But overall, not bad :)
thank you, chimp. I was also trying to give the vibe that nothing all that unusual was going on. At one point the principal says "the last time this happened...."