VegasIndiesTv needs films to start.

Hello guys alright I don't know how much I have to beg to give you free exposure but VITV is not going to happen if i don't start getting some mail. Before I can even get the first show on the air I need films to cover at least 8 shows and thats alot of films. I can only beg for a certain amount of time. VegasIndiesTv will die if i don;t get films so tell your friends pull out that dusty tape, and send it over to me. Who cares if you don't think it's airable just send it. This will be my last begging email the next could be the death of VegasIndiesTv. It's free what can you loose. Sorry to sound a little pushy, but this is for you guys. Thanks.
One copy of TF inbound Monday.

(and the as-is cut of Conq)

Get ahold of every person that just entered ITOOFC #3... that's 8 films right there, Dennis.

Go go Vegas TV! :cool:
Yes of course Logan I know but your only one man, if you had like 40 films per month then i would be good. Thanks Zen you rock. Thanks for the support guys. I'm excited.