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Vegas Underground Cinema – Movement #1

If anyones in Vegas around this time come check it out....

Vegas Underground Cinema – Movement #1

A Showcase of Las Vegas Independent Films.

When: Fri, Oct 21 2005, 6:30pm to 9:30pm

Where: CCSN West Charleston Campus, Room D-125 (Theatre)

Purpose: To give independent filmmakers of Southern Nevada a public voice.

Public involvement and awareness of artistic film in Las Vegas.

Public invited to see Vegas independent short films, No charge.

Submit short films for review by: No later than October 15th 9pm.

Fee: $10.00 submission fee (Only if your film is selected)

Submit to: 9518 Vast Valley Wy Las Vegas NV 89148

Submission formats:

Mini DV


Hi8 & Digital Hi8

VHS (but we’d rather not)

Filmmakers will have to fill out a submission form before their film can be entered.

(I’ll have the form in a digital file to download by Sept. 1st)

Filmmakers are guests at the Filmmakers Conference/Mixer/After Party thing……

Filmmaker Conference/Mixer/After Party thing………

A party designed to celebrate Las Vegas Independent Film and meet other individuals interested in filmmaking.

When: Fri, Oct 21 2005, 10pm to ?? (hopefully really, really late)

Where: Skinny Dugans 4127 West Charleston Blvd (Banquet area)

Admission: $5.00 entry fee (excluding showcase participants and guests)

Purpose: To celebrate independent film and to find others like yourself.

(This conference is only as big as the amount of people who RSVP. Since it is the first one
, I am going to have a loose schedule on what happens and if it is more of a ‘conference, or an ‘after-party)

Contact: A Ross for more info.

809-4831 cell

631-3324 home
