Using Matte Box and Format Masks

Hi everyone,
The Matte Box I purchased came with a couple of changeable format masks that are screwed into the front to change the aspect ratio between 16.9 and 4.3. How is this set up for either one. If the matte box is to far forward in front of the lens, you may as well not have any format mask in place, and if it is moved to far back towards the lens, the image becomes cloudy around the corners.
I would think you would slide the matte box back towards the lens until the image darkens around the edges, then slide it forward to the point where it just clears, then set the box in that position. Then again, what about the focal length, it would be a hassle to adjust the matte box every time the focal length is changed.
In any case, why is this necessary if you can set the aspect ratio in the editing program that is being used?

The purpose of a matte box is as a lens shade, not to actually cut into the image (though that may have been the original purpose).

Use the hard mattes (the screwed-on or clipped-on pieces) in the aspect ratio you are shooting in. On an Arri matte box the snap-on hard mattes are labeled with the lens size (for 35mm film), but basically you just want to put on the tightest hard matte that does not impinge upon the image (stop down to make sure). This will save a lot of time for the grips (or your AC, or yourself) in setting flags or a frenchy, and gives better cuts than just using an eyebrow.

Grips will love you for using a hard matte.
curious, why will grips love you for using a hard matte, if its not affecting the image?

It minimises flare and saves the grips having to set up a flag for the same purpose. A hard matte for a specific focal length is one of the best ways of reducing unwanted light shining on the front of the lens.
curious, why will grips love you for using a hard matte, if its not affecting the image?

As I said, the matte box is (now) a lens shade - it keeps light from hitting the lens (or, more importantly, the filters in front of the lens. If the matte box doesn't do the the job the grips have to.... or should, anyway. The goal is to have no reflections in the lens at all - this is AC Nirvana. If the matte box does the trick then the grips don't have to drag out five C-Stands and flags.

Of course there are some DPs (like my partner in RM4K, Rich Lerner) who LOVE flairs from lights. I piss him off all the time and flag them anyway.
thanks, now I know..

Edit: It seems that I see lot of "matte" boxes on ebay that don't actually have any matte frame, rather they seem to be a filter holder, sunshade and flagging device.. Im guessing french flags can be used to the same purpose, but seems like it would be a bit more prone to problems.
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