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watch 'Urinal Cakes' short film

Hello, here is a first year university short film which I shot recently.

It would be really great to hear all of your comments or questions about the film, not just the cinematography which I worked on but also the writing and narrative etc. Any criticisms are welcome, thanks very much for taking the time to watch.


There were some very Andersonian moments - Wes- and Paul Thomas-:
on the profile of the victim, and the whip-pan, respectively. Were any of those specific influences?

The narrative was a little cliche and dry, I thought.
The Macbeth dead man haunting, the narrator's reveal.
Also, maybe you could give some insight into the story -
cause I didn't feel as if I'd learnt anything about these two people..!
Thanks for the feedback!

There were definite Wes influences in the film which carried from the script through to the final film as you pointed out. I'm more of a Shane Meadows fan myself but do appreciate the quirkiness of Anderson's work which was more apt for this film.

Thanks for the comments regarding the narrative, all constructive criticism is appreciated.