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watch Unwanted Guest (1st short film)

I thought it was quite funny but didn't get the end ... dragging the garbage to the shed...my issue was lighting. It was kind of dimly lit.
The sound was good but the 'bum' sounded a bit louder than the second charactor.

Cute. Did you use a green screen for the tennis ball? At some point the 'bum's eyes weren't exactly meshed with the ball.

Overall I thought it was quite clever!
Thanks! The end was just a way to end the video. He basically takes the trash can be stole back to his house.

Lighting is something in trying to figure out. I had a couple shots that were too dark to use so that is an area I need to work on.

Sound, I totally agree. That was the one thing I wasn't really happy with, but I do have a shotgun mic coming so that should help some.

I wish I had a green screen for the tennis ball, but sadly I had to do it the hard way and rotoscope it out. I do have a green screen coming with my mic for future projects tho :)

Thanks again for the feedback! I really do appreciate the critiquing.
The first time I fooled around with green screening, I basically went to Joann Fabric and bought a few yards of green material that was on sale. I litterally nailed it to the wall so it hung like a painting and placed a giant Barbie in front of it. Then I keyed it all out and Barbie was on the beach.

LIghting, I use some HD lights but I haven't been able to get that perfect well lit look yet.

Sound is just a pita altogether.