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call-for-entries UNAFF International Documentary Film Festival Call

SUBMISSIONS ARE OPEN for the 27th UNAFF, which will run from October 17-27, 2024 in Palo Alto, East Palo Alto, San Francisco and Stanford University.

In its enduring advocacy for the Universal Declaration of Human Rights UNAFF celebrates the power of international documentary films dealing with the environment, refugees, famine, homelessness, racism, disease control, women's issues, children, universal education, war and peace and other topics mentioned in the UDHR.

This year’s theme, SHARED HUMANITY, continues our devotion to human rights with an emphasis on our common destiny and issues fostering it, or standing in its way.

• Documentaries only and absolutely no films that are available online for free before the end of the festival(10/27/2024)
• No production year limit
• No runtime limit – UNAFF accepts both shorts and longs
• Rough-cuts or works-in-progress accepted, but please submit as close to the final cut as possible. UNAFF cannot accept updated versions of a film less than 10 days before the start of the festival

Submission formats:
• Download-enabled online link with a password valid until June 30, 2024. Please email online link and password with attached signed submission form to linksubmit2024@unaff.org
• Blu-ray region 0 or 1 (see mailing address below)
• USB flash drive

The language of the festival jury and audience is English, so if your film is in a different language, please translate the title and submit an English subtitled version, or send us an English SRT file.

Email us a downloadable link directly to linksubmit2024@unaff.org, or send in your disc/flash drive to our mailing address below. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD ENTRY FORM, which must be filled out, signed and sent with all direct submissions, either printed and included in your package, or as an attachment with your downloadable link.

• $30
for films up to 30 minutes (late deadline $40)
• $40 for films longer than 30 minutes (late deadline $50)
Please send check or money order payable to UNAFF, or via PayPal
(please use info@unaff.org and quote the title of the film)

• Early Deadline – May 4, 2024*
• Regular Deadline – May 14, 2024*
• Late deadline – May 24, 2024*

Please submit screener and payment (if paying via check or money order) to:
P. O. Box 19369
Stanford, CA 94309

include a CASH prize
All entries will be reviewed by our 30-member jury, which will determine these award winners:
• UNAFF Grand Jury Award for Best Documentary ($2,000)
• UNAFF Grand Jury Award for Best Short Documentary ($1,000)
• UNAFF Award for Best Cinematography ($500)
• UNAFF Award for Best Editing ($500)
• UNAFF Youth Vision Award ($500)

UNAFF provides filmmakers with pass credentials, guest festival passes and some assistance with lodging and airfare. In addition to screenings, UNAFF provides filmmakers the opportunity to present their work through panel discussions and Q&As and to meet distributors and leaders of community organizations.

Questions or comments: Email info@unaff.org or call (650) 724-5544