archived-videos Two Rock 'n' Roll Shorts

Hi, these are a couple of my recent works which I recentley posted on-line. The first, 'Dynamite Rock' is a music video for artist Charlie Megira. It's currently airing on Israeli TV. The video is a homage to Frankie, Annette and 60's Beach Party movies. You can watch it here:

If you liked the first one, check out the second: 'Yesterday at Ten Past Six...', a 16mm short made in the USA last year. Inspired by Archie Comics and featuring background music by Charlie Megira as well.

I'd love to hear any comments.

- Oren.
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Hot dang!

Those are awesome! Especially the "Yesterday at Ten Past Six" one.

Will have some critical looks in the morn. (Late atm)
Thanks a lot.

I'm glad you enjoyed them. I'm really looking for any feedback whatsoever so if you have any forther remarks I'd love to hear them. I try to make 'em fun.

- Oren.
Just finished watching these again. So good.

It was kinda weird listening to the music on Dynamite Rock. Very familiar surf-music sound, but I had no idea what they were singing. Very odd feeling, listening to music that defined America a generation or two ago and not being able to understand the language it's being sung in. :lol:

It's like "Frankie & Annette meet the Sharks (or the Jets), with a Benny Hill feel." Or Mel Brooks' "Silent Movie". The bad guys are very comical, and non-threatening. Matches the feel of many movies from that time, for sure.


I'm just in love with Yesterday at Ten Past Six, though. That actress is amazing. Her face is so expressive.

She's pretty hot, too.

The colours are there, the music is there (with twangs of "Blue Moon" influence, I do believe). The whole situation is so simple, but so effectively shown.

Thanks a lot for the comments.

Now it's time to give some props to the people I worked with...

It's always interesting for me to show Americans my Israeli works because they are so heavily influenced by the American 50's and 60's but in Hebrew, and it gives them kind of a strange feel. Charlie, who sings 'Dynamite Rock' is probably my favorite musician working in Israel today. That guy is just brilliant. His music doesn't come from any retro place, it's 100% authentic. I think he is a rare bird in the world rockabilly/surf scene today.

Now as for 'Yesterday at Ten past Six...'. The actress is Sally Conway, who is by far, the best actress I met in NYC. The music is by Charlie Megira as well.

Very glad you liked them.

Cool stuff! I have to say I liked Dynamite Rock a little better than Yesterday at Ten Past Six... but only because there was much more going on. But both shorts were extremely well done.

I agree with Zen about Sally. She was very good.

Thanks a lot.
I like them both very much (well... I made them) but lean more towards 'Dyanmite Rock' as well. I feel I managed to achieve a better eproduction of the style on that one. But yeah... I can't really choose you know... :)


Poke said:
Cool stuff! I have to say I liked Dynamite Rock a little better than Yesterday at Ten Past Six... but only because there was much more going on. But both shorts were extremely well done.

I agree with Zen about Sally. She was very good.

orens... that Soda Jerk store vid was shot with 16mm? Wow.. How much does it cost to do something like that. I mean, I know it depends on the amount of takes and length but Im amazed at the color quality. Nice films.
I like the color and such in both.. the second one almost looks like colorized black and white at times...

However, is it just me, or is the sound totally out of sync? I've got a bunch of other apps running in the background so I suppose it's possible that it's just my computer being cranky. Perhaps I'll try again later when the computer is more idle. Nice work though :)

As far as costs... 400 feet of film cost around a $100 (more or less). Then it's about the same for each roll for processing and transfering. It's pretty expensive. It is mucc more worthwhile when you shoot longer films since you can get various discounts on materials. The art and wardrobe was also a bit costly in this one as well because of that set...

To Will Vincent:

The sync should be fine but if it keeps doing it and looks fine on other videos than let me know and I'll check that out.

Yes.. it was pretty cool. I liked it alot.. I love the old 60s beach movies.. being from Cali and all.

Nice going man. Maybe you could do a Mod thing from the 60s.. like a beatles or Yardbirds theme. or maybe a late hippies period.. in San Francisco. I could do some San Francisco shots for you since I live 50 miles east.. but it would be DV. Im buying a 1080i cam in a few months.