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watch Two New Short Films From Me :)

Liked that...simple but well done. Can only echo some of the previous comments... More foley, better definition between past and present etc...

Really liked the cuts with the kid walking (even if I think perhaps the angles are off a bit) and the lingering end shot was very very nice.

Small crumbs of complaint for a nice piece. :)

Thanks! :)
Thanks for the great interpretation. In the film, I thought it would be interesting for a man to have everything he has done in his life, and all of his memories in one box. Actually, the box is a collection of photos of my family from the last 90-100 years.

Great interpretation :)

The box reminds me of my old cigar box left over from the 70's. It has a rack of ribbons, my old wings, dog tags incased in plastic (so they don't 'rattle' if you have to bailout over enemy territory) broken Zippo's/ watches, and worn out pocket knives (for the grandkids), and a few yellowed phone numbers from nameless memories. I know your box very well, Chimp.

Any cheap ass condoms in there like what the USO used to pass out? The flight surgeons overseas always had cases of them and would pass them out like candy.
I was asking if the two short films I posted at the beginning were better than the one I just posted :)

Better? Story-wise or technique-wise?

I'll try to answer...

Your latest is very short (just over 1 min), the longer first one is just over 3 mins.

I thought the technique in both (long one vs new one) was very good. You got to showcase more technique in the longer one.

Story-wise, both had somewhat of a story. Not a huge fan of the story of the latest one but it sure is original so you get points for that. Enjoyed the story more of the longer one - touching short. Cutting between the young kid and the older man was a great call too. Watching the waves at that angle another good call.

For me, I enjoyed the longer one more because for me it had the better story. It's all so subjective though - many may like your latest one more.

Regardless, you did good. :)
I liked both a lot. However, I noticed someone said the short one should have had the shot of him going into the water at the end, and I agree. I guess it symbolizes him dying or something? It felt like everything was "complete"
(Just my thoughts) ;)
This short is very beautiful! I prefer the 3 minute version since it feels just right (though I generally like slower paced films so I can see how some may disagree). If I were to make this film (haha I wish I could!), I would make the memories have a different color scheme (its hard to describe exactly how, but similar to a Hou Hsiao-hsien film I saw). The film really resonated with me because I get nostalgic like this myself, looking at my old stuff. The music and imagery in this film bring that feeling to life, great job man!
I liked both a lot. However, I noticed someone said the short one should have had the shot of him going into the water at the end, and I agree. I guess it symbolizes him dying or something? It felt like everything was "complete"
(Just my thoughts) ;)

It's open for interpretation, but my reasoning behind the shot was to show the past that this main character's past is being put to rest and is now just pictures and distant memories that haunt him.

Although I do find film to be an art-form that the viewers themselves should interpret and find meaning in.

This short is very beautiful! I prefer the 3 minute version since it feels just right (though I generally like slower paced films so I can see how some may disagree). If I were to make this film (haha I wish I could!), I would make the memories have a different color scheme (its hard to describe exactly how, but similar to a Hou Hsiao-hsien film I saw). The film really resonated with me because I get nostalgic like this myself, looking at my old stuff. The music and imagery in this film bring that feeling to life, great job man!

Thanks James! I glad that you enjoyed the film. I'm sure you could do something like the film I made. Just keep practicing and working at your craft :)

Looking back, I think it would have been a smart decision to change the color scheme, and as RayW mentioned, shoot in a different style. I'm going to keep this advice in mind (as well as advice from others) for my next film (which travels in and out of the mind of the main character as well).
