two movies alike

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I have a question again people. I had this other great idea for a movie, and I come to find out today that someone else is making a movie almost exactly like I wanted too.

I am affraid if I go ahread and make the film, it may be in competition with one that is pretty much just like it.

I don't know what to do now! :huh:
i say just go ahead and make your film, if you think people will see it as a rip of the other film or whatever, just make it for yourself, make it for the sheer enjoyment of filmmaking and to get your story on screen, even if you are the only one to see it.

just go ahead and make it i say
Zensteve said:
How is it "almost exactly like I wanted to"?

Similar script? Identical title? Same general topic?

Well, this is the website to the movie that they are making is:

My idea is similare to that in the respect that a group of 4 or 5 ghost hunters enter an old asylum on a ghost hunt, but while inside all hell breaks loose. Think around the respect of "House on haunted hill (New version).

If you watch that trailer to the other movie (, you can see that they are very similare, They are even using the same location I wanted to film at. The old Waverly Hills Sanitarium in Kentucky.

There story is about 5 girls who go into the old asylum. In there they encounter ghost and spooks, and several of them die (Thats what I got from the trailer anyway?).
Looks like a fun flick, actually.

I wouldn't lose any sleep over it, though. There are dozens of flicks made each year just like that. Young girls, trapped in house, death come a knocking. It's not a new idea, and you can bet that hundreds more will be made down the line.

There's no shortage of shut-down hospitals and asylums across the US, either.

I don't think you'll be in competition with it. Looks like it's as good as done. You'll just have to compete for marketshare with the other hundred horror titles that are constantly popping up. :lol:

Good luck :)

Make your flick.
I'd say do it man...There are similarities, but have you looked at what comes out of hollywood? Once one style does well, a million like it follow.
Yep, I say go for it too. Every story that can ever be told has been told since the time of Shakespeare. It's all about how well you tell the story and how interesting your characters are.
The Death Tunnel, with 5 girls looks and sounds nothing like your idea of the 5 ghost hunters...unless your 5 ghost hunters are all hot chicks that are half naked. Do it!

You could probably even shoot at the same location and make it look totally different from that film.

And if you want to see a good horror film that was shot in an old asylum, watch Session 9.
Argggg.... Session 9, filmed at another asylum I was thinking about shootin at. Danvers State.

unless your 5 ghost hunters are all hot chicks that are half naked.
Ahhh no. No naked chick's here.

You could probably even shoot at the same location and make it look totally different from that film.

I don't think you'll be in competition with it. Looks like it's as good as done. You'll just have to compete for marketshare with the other hundred horror titles that are constantly popping up.
My concern is that they will take this film to festivals about the same time as mine would be there (Mid 2005 accordng to IMDB), and there would be some kind of "Copycat" title thrown over either mine or the other film.

But then again, you are right. They don't have a lot in common.

I'll go for it anyway. If it works it does, if not, oh well.