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Turning ideas into something


I've been doing a film course at a college for further education and I've been really enjoying it lately. We have the task of making a 5-10 minute movie to pass a certain part of the course and I've had a few ideas in mind.

However, I have the inability to express these ideas onto paper, which I can plan out and then get some sort of screenplay out. My idea is inspired by the Edgar Allan Poe poem "Eldorado", but that's all ill say for now fans of his work probably know what it is. I'm a student so I have access to some good equipment for free (camera, tripod, sound equipment, lightning, shoulder rig, dolly etc.)

Anyway, I feel like there is a Great Wall in my head and all my ideas and creativity are behind it unable to escape. I really want to keep with my idea inspired by Poe, I just need to get it down on paper, so I can finally get writing a screenplay.

Do any of you have any good techniques or tips to help out?

I know this post may be confusing but I hope the replies can help others who have the same problem as me.


I know how I get my ideas.


How to get over writers block
Helpful ------> http://boostblogtraffic.com/writers-block/


Read some screenplays:

Helpful for formatting:

Step 1
Grab a pen and paper. Write down everything that comes to mind. It doesn't have to be related to the story. Just write out what you're thinking.
Meditate. You're going to come up with something.
Play music. Something that you'd never listen to, a genre or band you aren't familiar with.
Grab a huge poster board or canvas (and paints, crayons, etc.) Draw whatever the hell you want. Draw what you think the character in the story or the setting in the story looks like.
Look at a random object in the room, and within 20 seconds, come up with a story for it. Write it down.
Read books. Watch movies.
A technique you can do for adapting a work is writing down the story. Then change the setting, the age/look/characteristics of the character in the story, change the mood of the film, change the character's motive. Instead of looking for a place, perhaps he is looking for an object, etc. etc. etc.
Start writing something that happened in your life. I was playing soccer..., then run with the story. Go crazy with it.
Make up a character that you'd like to be around, and one that you wouldn't.
Shut your eyes. Think of a place. What is the first place you see? Write it down.
Do something random.
RUN. Keep on running until you come up with an idea.
Bring a notepad everywhere you go. Write ideas and random thoughts.
Pull out a cheap camcorder, phone, etc, and shoot a short film.
Break something.
Write more.
Write more.
Write more.
Write the first thought that comes to your head.
Tear down the walls that test your creativity! BURN THE WALL! TEAR IT DOWN!!! TEAR IT DOWN!!!!! Stop staring at your empty page and blinking cursor.

Step 2

Gather all of your messy pictures and notes. Make a story out of it. Once you have your idea, immediately run, and grab a notebook. Write the story down without stopping. Forget proper formatting and grammars and spellng mistakes. Just write. Type that into a screenplay once finished.

If all else fails:

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When's the project's due date?

What are your given grading criteria?

My idea is inspired by the Edgar Allan Poe poem "Eldorado"
Not a problem.

Protag + Antag + Conflict + Resolution (or not) = Story.
You're good.

5 - 10min = 5 - 10pages.
No big whup.
Have you ever seen a screenplay? Or written one?
What class is this for, if you don't mind me asking?

And you might wanna take a look at this, BTW: http://www.indietalk.com/showthread.php?p=322777#post322777
Wow, that's a while lot of useful information, Chimp. Thanks, I'm sure I can take all that advice and put it to some good use, also thanks for the list of links that I'm sure will help other people other than myself.
whens the project due?

It's due around January next year, so I have a lot of time to plan and create but I always like doing things early and being prepared and organised.

what are your given grading criteria?

We haven't really been given one, it's a video production, lighting and editing class mixed up together because we had the same teacher for all three, but he said it at least has to be 5-10 minutes and interesting.

I've gave a go to writing a screenplay but nothing really special and worth mentioning but I think I have a basic knowledge of script format.

This class is sorta a media course which I'm taking to get my grades up to study film at university level.

Thanks for the link :)