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watch Trust - Short Thriller

I don't like tearing down films that people do here. But you seem interested not in feedback but a round of applause. You can't accept any criticism and make us feel like it's our fault for not appreciating your film. When some one says they stopped watching your film after ten minutes or stopped reading your script after 10 pages, that's all the info most people need. You want more specifics?

I thought your film was Not believable, ex con as a stockbroker? poorly acted, poorly written, not interesting, slow, plodding, I thought the near car crash was poorly staged, casting was wrong, wardrobe, especially the stockbroker's wasn't right, and it felt like punishment to continue watching so I stopped. It was in a downward spiral as soon as the credits ended. Photography wasn't interesting, it was dull, lifeless, and generally on the same sub par level as everything else in the film, actually including the credits.

I've seen worse, but this thing misfired on nearly every level. Not saying I could do better, but this, in my assessment (and it looks like nearly everyone else's) is a bad film.

Where did I say I'm interested only in a round of applause? None-the-less, thank you for watching and saying what you think.

I liked it!

Some of the criticism you've gotten is not warranted nor explained very well.

I think the story has some loose ends and the color is of at times but it's definitely not the worst by any means.

I have no idea what Ray was talking about.

I liked it!

Some of the criticism you've gotten is not warranted nor explained very well.

I think the story has some loose ends and the color is of at times but it's definitely not the worst by any means.

I have no idea what Ray was talking about.

Thanks so much! That comment was a nice change of pace :) Thanks again for the comment for watching!

Good work! It was an excellent piece! From the music to the editing, even the acting was quite strong for what the performers were given. Granted the Bald fella may have not been the strongest actor in the world, but he brought something to this role that made it work in a sublime fashion. Overall, it was excellent. Sadly it appears many of the people on this board were unable to grasp the meaning and significance of your piece which is their loss. Also, many of them seem intent on tearing anything apart they don't personally like or understand which is also too bad for them. Keep up the good work and don't allow the petty detractors to bring you down. You know how worthwhile your piece is as do the people who actually know what they're talking about. Cheers and much continued success in your film endeavors!

Good work! It was an excellent piece! From the music to the editing, even the acting was quite strong for what the performers were given. Granted the Bald fella may have not been the strongest actor in the world, but he brought something to this role that made it work in a sublime fashion. Overall, it was excellent. Sadly it appears many of the people on this board were unable to grasp the meaning and significance of your piece which is their loss. Also, many of them seem intent on tearing anything apart they don't personally like or understand which is also too bad for them. Keep up the good work and don't allow the petty detractors to bring you down. You know how worthwhile your piece is as do the people who actually know what they're talking about. Cheers and much continued success in your film endeavors!

Hahah! come on, don't make it so obvious.
Welcome to indietalk though...
I liked it untill coke got sniffed and guns started shooting. The mystery worked best for me (maybe coz i like mystery genre) but to be honest, for a short film, i liked the actors and the lines and the way they delivered them. the biggest contradiction and the reason i think people lost track is that the title implies a mystery but then delivers a thriller. I would of been content with just an awkward car journey having conversational twist and turns about the wife etc but also some back story to the young dude too...all the action in the car with words, eyes, sweaty palms, that sort of thing. At one stage it had me quessing, I was thinking aha the young guy is the murderer of hitchhikers and then after he could find the blood ridden wipes to swing the pendulum back to the driver and this could of been the driving theme of the piece and it would of been brilliant! but maybe we all have to get that thing out of our system, maybe you wanted to play with guns, do a chase scene, i dont know, my point is, I think you have great potential and for that you're getting some haters, but you're good at, IMHO, mystery, dialogue, camera work, pacing, editing and much more. i would only say take us into the characters a bit more with private subtle mannerisms and also work more on your suspensful side because i have a feeling its your strength. the action thing can be fun to shoot but i find boring to watch because the story and characters seem to hide behind it most of the time in short films i see. in fact as soon as i see a gun in a short film i want to look away...its that bad with me. mystery, suspence, character dialogue...awesome stuff dude. cant wait for the next one. peace.

BTW your casting is great too, i wish I had your actors to work with!
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Good work! It was an excellent piece! From the music to the editing, even the acting was quite strong for what the performers were given. Granted the Bald fella may have not been the strongest actor in the world, but he brought something to this role that made it work in a sublime fashion. Overall, it was excellent. Sadly it appears many of the people on this board were unable to grasp the meaning and significance of your piece which is their loss. Also, many of them seem intent on tearing anything apart they don't personally like or understand which is also too bad for them. Keep up the good work and don't allow the petty detractors to bring you down. You know how worthwhile your piece is as do the people who actually know what they're talking about. Cheers and much continued success in your film endeavors!

And that would be the 2nd time a first-time poster came in defense of tommydawg, criticizing the people who gave negative reviews of his film, claiming that they just didn't understand it, and that they just like tearing other people down. I'd post a link to the other mystery-poster, but their comments have been deleted, and I assume they've been banned.

In fact, this is the very reason I chose not to share any of the insight I have for tommydawg, in regards to his latest video.

Good work! It was an excellent piece! From the music to the editing, even the acting was quite strong for what the performers were given. Granted the Bald fella may have not been the strongest actor in the world, but he brought something to this role that made it work in a sublime fashion. Overall, it was excellent. Sadly it appears many of the people on this board were unable to grasp the meaning and significance of your piece which is their loss. Also, many of them seem intent on tearing anything apart they don't personally like or understand which is also too bad for them. Keep up the good work and don't allow the petty detractors to bring you down. You know how worthwhile your piece is as do the people who actually know what they're talking about. Cheers and much continued success in your film endeavors!

Thanks! :) I'm glad you liked it and your comment is very encouraging.

Hahah! come on, don't make it so obvious.
Welcome to indietalk though...

I don't follow this statement.

I liked it untill coke got sniffed and guns started shooting. The mystery worked best for me (maybe coz i like mystery genre) but to be honest, for a short film, i liked the actors and the lines and the way they delivered them. the biggest contradiction and the reason i think people lost track is that the title implies a mystery but then delivers a thriller. I would of been content with just an awkward car journey having conversational twist and turns about the wife etc but also some back story to the young dude too...all the action in the car with words, eyes, sweaty palms, that sort of thing. At one stage it had me quessing, I was thinking aha the young guy is the murderer of hitchhikers and then after he could find the blood ridden wipes to swing the pendulum back to the driver and this could of been the driving theme of the piece and it would of been brilliant! but maybe we all have to get that thing out of our system, maybe you wanted to play with guns, do a chase scene, i dont know, my point is, I think you have great potential and for that you're getting some haters, but you're good at, IMHO, mystery, dialogue, camera work, pacing, editing and much more. i would only say take us into the characters a bit more with private subtle mannerisms and also work more on your suspensful side because i have a feeling its your strength. the action thing can be fun to shoot but i find boring to watch because the story and characters seem to hide behind it most of the time in short films i see. in fact as soon as i see a gun in a short film i want to look away...its that bad with me. mystery, suspence, character dialogue...awesome stuff dude. cant wait for the next one. peace.

BTW your casting is great too, i wish I had your actors to work with!

Thanks a lot! This was a very helpful criticism and I find your points interesting. I agree that the gun play and the coke sniffing and such probably could have been done a bit better, this is really my first time shooting action like this. You're right that I have a love of suspense and mystery. My favorite TV shows are Lost, Alias, Fringe, Heroes...the list goes on! I'm trying to grow as an artist and comments like these are very helpful :)

And that would be the 2nd time a first-time poster came in defense of tommydawg, criticizing the people who gave negative reviews of his film, claiming that they just didn't understand it, and that they just like tearing other people down. I'd post a link to the other mystery-poster, but their comments have been deleted, and I assume they've been banned.

In fact, this is the very reason I chose not to share any of the insight I have for tommydawg, in regards to his latest video.

I didn't see this apparent other comment, but I gotta be honest with ya, I'm not so starved for attention that I go around creating alternate accounts on this forum just to talk myself up. In fact, I feel that it's people like you, Cracker Funk, that are starved for attention because you have nothing better to do with your time than create conspiracy theories about a local film maker on an internet message board. I enjoy getting feedback, comments, and criticisms, but I really don't care enough about your opinions to go through that kind of trouble.

Also, I should say that just because I don't agree with every aspect of all your opinions, it doesn't mean I don't consider it and it doesn't mean I think I'm better. This isn't a pissing contest ladies and gents, you post your ideas and AT THE VERY LEAST I say "thank you for the comment and for watching :)" Of course, this means I'm now an internet tough guy/troll who spends his free time fighting desperately for all your approval and trying to make sure you all find my film a wonderful masterpiece.
I didn't see this apparent other comment, but I gotta be honest with ya, I'm not so starved for attention that I go around creating alternate accounts on this forum just to talk myself up. In fact, I feel that it's people like you, Cracker Funk, that are starved for attention because you have nothing better to do with your time than create conspiracy theories about a local film maker on an internet message board. I enjoy getting feedback, comments, and criticisms, but I really don't care enough about your opinions to go through that kind of trouble.

Also, I should say that just because I don't agree with every aspect of all your opinions, it doesn't mean I don't consider it and it doesn't mean I think I'm better. This isn't a pissing contest ladies and gents, you post your ideas and AT THE VERY LEAST I say "thank you for the comment and for watching :)" Of course, this means I'm now an internet tough guy/troll who spends his free time fighting desperately for all your approval and trying to make sure you all find my film a wonderful masterpiece.

I don't think that about you, at all. I've commented on many of your films; some I've liked more than others, and your responses to my critiques have always impressed me. I'm being sincere.

Heck, just from the writing-style, I think it's clear that you are not the same person who is creating new accounts to defend you. The other post you missed was in the "Cheerios" thread. Somebody created a new account solely for the purpose of really lashing out at me, and the other people who commented negatively. I don't know if this person knows you, or if they're just a random internet-stranger who has taken a liking to you, but it's pretty clear that they exist on this forum for one purpose, and one purpose only.

I don't have a "conspiracy-theory". It's obvious what is going on. But I honestly do not believe you are the person doing the shady new-account creating. You're cool in my book, tommydawg. Keep gettin' at it, dude! :)

Good work! It was an excellent piece! From the music to the editing, even the acting was quite strong for what the performers were given. Granted the Bald fella may have not been the strongest actor in the world, but he brought something to this role that made it work in a sublime fashion. Overall, it was excellent. Sadly it appears many of the people on this board were unable to grasp the meaning and significance of your piece which is their loss. Also, many of them seem intent on tearing anything apart they don't personally like or understand which is also too bad for them. Keep up the good work and don't allow the petty detractors to bring you down. You know how worthwhile your piece is as do the people who actually know what they're talking about. Cheers and much continued success in your film endeavors!

Now, why would you claim to be in Arizona but be posting from the same state as tommygdawg? :hmm:

Good work! It was an excellent piece! From the music to the editing, even the acting was quite strong for what the performers were given. Granted the Bald fella may have not been the strongest actor in the world, but he brought something to this role that made it work in a sublime fashion. Overall, it was excellent. Sadly it appears many of the people on this board were unable to grasp the meaning and significance of your piece which is their loss. Also, many of them seem intent on tearing anything apart they don't personally like or understand which is also too bad for them. Keep up the good work and don't allow the petty detractors to bring you down. You know how worthwhile your piece is as do the people who actually know what they're talking about. Cheers and much continued success in your film endeavors!


This is either the same person, or someone tommygdawg knows. I'm guessing a family member.

I'm going to respond in any case.

Sadly it appears many of the people on this board were unable to grasp the meaning and significance of your piece which is their loss.

It's not a case of not grasping the meaning of the piece, it's more of an issue that it was not presented nor written well.

Also, many of them seem intent on tearing anything apart they don't personally like or understand which is also too bad for them

Hahaha, fucking hell. All art is subjective. You know what that means I'm sure? If we don't like something we will give reasons why, and I believe many people have done so thus far. Film-making is a tough business and success is measured on the audience. We the audience didn't think it was good enough. Also, I wouldn't call it "tearing apart", it's breaking down the film into pros and cons. Unfortunately this time, in my opinion anyway, there were more cons than pros.

Keep up the good work and don't allow the petty detractors to bring you down.

We are not bringing him down, we are providing constructive criticism so his next project will be much better. It's all about improving yourself constantly within this field. Why would we want him not to succeed?

Anyway, who ever this is, I'm sure you know the old saying. "Opinions are like arse-holes, everybody's got one."
Cracker Funk, that was very big of you not to respond in an unkind manner. Thanks for the comments :)

In regards to the rest of you, I don't know if it's family or friends of mine posting. If it is, I didn't ask them to, that's all I can say about the subject. If you want to believe me, that's cool. If you don't want to believe me, that's cool too.
Whether it's you creating new accounts or family doing it at your behest, it's not helping your cause.

I don't know what to tell you. I'm really not too worried about it. As I said before, I'm not that worried about what you all think to start an investigation into the matter. If you don't like my movie or me, that's fine. I don't seek the approval of indietalk forums.