Tried a video clip

Jeu Tordu

Hi, I had a plan to film a videoclip underwater with a slo mo effect (lips in sync, but slo mo image).
but the underwater thing was not really possible with the playbacking of the lips.
Now just became 1 shot, i was more a try out actually.
I wantend to try more things, but the singer wanted it to keep this way.
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why wasn't it possible ?
Well, it was a bit difficult for the singer because she had to sing at 200% speed (for the slo mo, lips in sync effect). And there where a lot of bubbles. And i was not happy with the go pro quality. But yeah.. i didn't want to push it.
I wantend to try more things, but the singer wanted it to keep this way.
What do you think of this?

I think you had a difficult challenge!

You don't say whether you wanted to film the whole song underwater or just part of it, but I'm not sure why you would have opted for slow-mo. This singer does not put very much feeling into her performance, so I find the one-camera take quite dull; and if this is "normal speed" then I think slow-mo would have been terrible!

For interest, I re-played the video at 2x and didn't really notice much of a change - I don't think I've ever seen a singer's lips move as little as in this video! I would think, though, that the "underwater" solution would be for the singer to mime rather than sing. Given how unemotional her performance is, it should have been possible to avoid bubbles.

I'd almost wonder if the lip-sych problem was that the lyrics/lips/performance are just not suitable for that kind of time-shifting. You might have been better simply shooting a slow-mo clip of face/hair/whatever without trying to include the singing.