archived-videos Transfiguration

Hi Knightly,

I just used stills and animated them with After Effects, this is how I worked before with another piece called The Dark Night.

What do you think about the lighthouse ending? Bit trite?

liked it...blinking seemed too regular for the fluidity of the rest of the piece. Maybe if you were to fade it in, or make it look as though it were turning somehow.
knightly said:
liked it...blinking seemed too regular for the fluidity of the rest of the piece. Maybe if you were to fade it in, or make it look as though it were turning somehow.

I agree. Slow rotation would be nice too.

But it looked really nice.
new version

I've taken your advice knightly/CommanderGoat with the slow, revolving light. There is a new version HERE.

Please tell me if you think anything else should be done,

That works. If you prefer the profile of the beam of light, you could still make that happen by using the same beam you were using and do a graduated reveal on it and then reverse the reveal...but this felt much more natural than the previous version.