archived-videos Trailler for: The Feel Good Revolution

Its still in the writing stage, however I could resist messing around and editing something, its been too long since i've been able to. So today I sat back, relaxed, and came up with this pre-promo trailler of the movie that is being written.

There is a major drug probelm throughout the small town's high school, and summer is about to begin. However, the summer turns to be a deadly one. With the teens mind set on, "feeling good", no matter the cost, all great things has to come to an end.

Quicktime Trailler 1mb

I do realize that the gun in the preview is incredibly slow. It was meant to be sped up, but I never got around to it, rendered it, and realized it when it was too late. Oh well.

I know the trailler doesnt really say much, or maybe even give you a major clue as to what the movie will be about, but I just wanted to edit something.
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As of now, yes. Im still writing the script, as stated above. I have some folder on my computer full of some stock footage or whatever a friend gave me ages ago. I've never really used it, but I guess it came in handy.

I wont actually begin shooting the film untill after the script is done, but I believe it still does it justice enough.
'sup, BlankCanvas. :cool:

Like you said, trailer/teaser sure was vague.

Still, it showed a few of the elements that make for good high-school drama... no matter how briefly.

This a "Less Than Zero" type thing?

Loved the fractals, btw.