archived-videos To The Glory of God

I shot this film last summer and was editing and updating it, on and off, up until early this year. It was filmed on a budget of about £30, most of which wasn't directly spent on the film, but instead entertaining the actors, crew and I with drink and food whilst shooting (not a wise decision). It took a week to film and write (the same week – again, not sensible), I and the lead actor were writing the film in pubs before going out and shooting it and therefore it can be concluded that this film was made for purposes of creativity and fun - it was an experience. Much of the acting and direction was ad-libbed.

The film is a Romantic-Drama and I believe, despite its flaws, the narrative stays coherent and comprehensive. As a film maker I believe it's vital that I have the capacity to be self-critical. The direction ignores any conventions of film techniques, most noticably in the conversation scenes; this was an organisational error, as I didn’t draw up storyboards. Due to time limitations, some of them not self-induced, I was unable to do additional takes where they might have been necessary.

Anyway, it can be found at:
It's around 60mb and 13mins long, on a 1mb to 2mb connection it should stream perfectly well (I hope).

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writing the film in pubs before going out and shooting it

I like 'yer style, matey!

I've downloaded it to watch later tonight. I'll surely have something to say. :)

...and welcome to IndieTalk, too. Huzzah!
Well... it's not the most polished thing I've ever seen.

Lots of wind & background noise on the mic, very jerky pans (really noticecable when trying to zoom out at the same time), dodgy acting and a story that (while probably not that uncommon in real life) had no high stakes to hold a viewer's attention.

The characters were very two-dimensional; girl being a bitch, guy being the embodiment of apathy. None of the characters hit any changes, revelations or events that affected them. That's not a lot to work with.

I understand the basic point of the film... that just made the opening v/o seem more confused, considering how the end turned out. He's chosen to a stand... but the beginning is overwrought with regret and indecision.

The idea for the film itself is not bad at all. I think perhaps all that time in the pub may not have been such a good idea after all, though. ;)

I wish I had more positive things to say.

Btw... that shot with the pigeons taking off was fantastic. :cool:
There was a fair amount of decisions whilst writing and editing it. The film was cut down to about half the length through editing and voice-overs, because I didn’t want it to drag on too much.. I’m sure it still did to an extent, but I didn't want to completely destroy the story. Resultantly the characters lacked depth, but they were stock-characters anyway.

I've learnt many many things about the capabilities of the equipment I have available to me - and although I shouldn’t be blaming my tools, it's good to know what they can do.

Thank you Zensteve, I believe you can learn far more things through criticisms than just praise. However, I must admit I was particularly happy with the bird shot. :)

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The more one does it, the better one gets. :)

Very true about learning about the equipment one has to work with.

Do you have another short/project lined up?
Yeap. It's still in post-production, with the final script to be devised soon. I'm being more organised this time :). On TTGOG I had one fairly poor camcorder and a tripod (plus actors :p). This time I'll have three semi-pro camcorders and three decent tripods. Each camcorder will have a good camera-operator, who understands far more than I do about all the functions and features, which they've explained to me in detail. And, I'm delighted with the actors I've got too, the guy in TTGOG has improved incredibly over the past year, doing amazing theatrical work on a big scale, and I have some other actors who have done television work. And, although it will still be from the perspective of a "young adult/teenager" I'm still trying to attract a variety of actors to give the film more substance and contrast. Story wise nothing has been finalised, but I'm definitely going to make the stakes higher and the film more intense and attractive. Although I obviously have ideas, which I've been developing with some friends over the past few months, I fear that if I start writing them I'll be creating the story too quickly and miss out fundamentally important parts - so I'm going to have to sit down at one stage and constructively put my thoughts to paper.

Also, I forgot to put it in my last post, thanks for not saying "at least you're out their making films, that's a start" - that would have been a kick in the teeth ;).

Thanks again,
Just to say, the link's been taken down, cuz we were running out of bandwidth :p.

Thanks to all those who watched it.
And, thanks Zensteve for giving some feedback :)
