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watch Tick on Film fights

Hello all, me again.

If you could kindly go www.filmfights.com and watch my video entitled "Tick" then come back here and give me your feedback I would be most appreciative.

Feel free to vote there if it so moves you to do so. I'm not asking for your vote, just that you watch it.

Thank you so much!!

Just wanted to drop in and thank anyone who viewed/voted for my film. It is up on youtube now at this link.

Again, if you would be so kind as to watch and critique it I would be most appreciative. Your comments about Dreamer really helped me improve.


That is one jazzy looking bomb!

The characters seemed to be absolutely perfect in terms of how they were made to look - the sweating bomb defusor and the straight walking sour-expression killer (no offence ;)).

The only thing I would have said is if that cigarette was going to be used to light the gasoline, why wasn't it lit before? Kind of useless to light one and then immediately throw it away. The killer guy also seemed to say Friend too much. These are just my opinions though, and overall your video was very nicely made :)
Thanks for the compliments!

On the criticism, I have heard both points before which lends a lot of credence to your comments. Lighting the cigarette was the bomber "toying" with the bomb tech which, funny enough, is why he said friend too much! I noticed after it was finished that people weren't really seeing the fact that, in the last shot, the bomb tech is looking out the window (you don't see him, just the blinds pulled down.

Thanks again. Your comments are appreciated!
I thought it was obvious enough, what with him peeking through the blinds in the previous couple of shots, and I understood that clearly they weren't actually friends and the bomber was just being a bit of a douche, it just seemed slightly off.

Not enough to affect the experience much though, no worries.