archived-videos Three commercials.

Hey Zap, sorry I missed you in the chat room. I had my sound off and didn't hear you come in. I will take a look at your links!
I got 404s for Zegaborn and Toast, but was able to watch Dark and Stormy Night.
An enjoyable commercial with good action. Excellent choice for the talent: good in front of a camera, and pretty without being fake.

the overall color was soft for me. i would like to see it sharper, more defined and less muted.
generic word milk scrawled onto the carton distracted me. if it needs to be a non-name brand, i'd use a stencil kit to block in the letters cleaner -- also, not blood red.

there seems to be a continuity glitch. at one point, she is on her stomach, then the quick cut to her on her back. lasers were awfully tight to the body for the roll-over, so i was left wondering how she did it.

nice commercial, good action.