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Thoughts on trailer?

Well, and this might, in part, be because I am not a 18-25 year old female, it didn't tell me enough about the film to make me want to watch it. Because almost all of the testimonials are from that demographic, it didn't make me feel like I would enjoy it, or react the same way.

But, also, there's a line between not telling people much about a film and generating curiosity, and losing them, and I think you have crossed it. When it started, I thought it might be a horror film, by the end, I was thinking maybe a documentary. Point is, the possibilities were so many, I didn't know enough to know why I should be curious.

Sorry, I hope honesty is what you're looking for, because I'm trying to be constructive. If there were a little more about the film, just a little giveaway, I think it'd work better.
I get what you were going for with the whole Paranormal Activity (or was it Blair Witch that started it?) 'let's show the audience's reaction in the trailer, rather than the footage itself' or whatever, but I agree with Dar: you need to show us more.

And I also agree that it seemed to be a very narrow demographic. I recommend choosing more people and cutting between the much faster. All we need are suggestive sound bites, perhaps interspliced with an eensie weensie bit of footage from the movie...
I like Nick's suggestion about the faster cuts and interleaving it with footage--that could be very effective.