Title: Sigmund's Void (based on actual events)
Logline: Desperate for approval from his fiancées family, a young Sigmund Freud endeavors to find fame and fortune with the introduction of a “wonder drug.” When he inadvertently transforms the medical community and society at large into cocaine addicts, he must find a way to restore his reputation and win back his true love.
Can't seem to decide if I like better as a comedy, dramedy or straight drama.
Any thoughts?
Logline: Desperate for approval from his fiancées family, a young Sigmund Freud endeavors to find fame and fortune with the introduction of a “wonder drug.” When he inadvertently transforms the medical community and society at large into cocaine addicts, he must find a way to restore his reputation and win back his true love.
Can't seem to decide if I like better as a comedy, dramedy or straight drama.
Any thoughts?