archived-videos The Voice Inside

In 2000 BiFF JUGGERNAUT's most twisted glimpse of the human psyche was born... Winner of the 2001 Boston Underground Film Festival's Award for "Most Offensive" and the 2002 Sick Puppy Film Festival's Most "Perverted Award", The Voice Inside has screened in festivals throughout the world, leaving traumatized viewers in its wake.

Some have exclaimed in dismay...

Others have covered their eyes...

And one man has fainted from sheer shock.

How will "the voice" affect you?

There's only one way to find out... and it won't be pretty.

WARNING! The film is extremely violent and contains very strong sexual depictions - Mgmt.
The Voice Inside (windows media)

The Voice Inside (quicktime)

Official Site:


Any feedback is always appreciated, be they groans of disgust, grunts of pleasure or just general farts of indifference;-) Enjoy the show!



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HomerS3 said:
not my cup of tea, then again I'm not big on the sadistic gay porn-type genre. But, to each his own I suppose...
" porn-type genre..." LOL! Well the flick's definitely not for everybody, but that's certainly the first time I've ever heard anyone describe it that way! It certainly was not intended to come across particularly gay or pornographic, but the sadism... or masochism - depending upon the way you look at it I guess - was definitely very much intended;-)

Thanks for the feedback.

For a lighter side of BiFF JUGGERNAUT... check out the teaser trailer for our upcoming Anthology...

LovecraCked! - Trailer
Sorry, Elias. Had to add a major disclaimer.

I was with you for the first half of the film. I am always interested in movies that unnease the viewer through cinematography and the hyper accentuation of normal human activities such as vomiting (My film "Sometimes They Come Loose" is proof of that). But after the bathroom scene it just got way over the top for me. It is certainly worthy of the labels "Most Offensive" and "Most Perverted."

Poke said:
Sorry, Elias. Had to add a major disclaimer.

I was with you for the first half of the film. I am always interested in movies that unnease the viewer through cinematography and the hyper accentuation of normal human activities such as vomiting (My film "Sometimes They Come Loose" is proof of that). But after the bathroom scene it just got way over the top for me. It is certainly worthy of the labels "Most Offensive" and "Most Perverted."


No problem about the disclaimer. I understand your position completely. I was considering putting up one myself when I first made the post, but I thought my initial preamble would probably be sufficient warning:)

Wow, "very strong sexual depictions ", I'm flattered;)... It was actually always meant to come off as more like some form of obscene torture than any thing really sexual.

Thanks for your feedback, by the way:) I'll take a look at your film as well, sounds intriguing.
Although I'm a lightweight with graphic material, I thought it was very well done.

Lots of great camera work... lots of great lighting... the sound (including ambient) was especially good (though I didn't care for the tone of the VO that much)...

It was a solid progression all the way through. I didn't think it was going to get beyond the "Evil Dead" possesion part, though. Nice nod to that flick, whether you know it or not.

Excellent angles & edits during the hammer scenes... actually, the whole thing was assembled very well.

Overall, a very good flick. (But you should be adding some kind of graphic warning, when you post these)

Zensteve said:
Although I'm a lightweight with graphic material, I thought it was very well done.

Lots of great camera work... lots of great lighting... the sound (including ambient) was especially good (though I didn't care for the tone of the VO that much)...

It was a solid progression all the way through. I didn't think it was going to get beyond the "Evil Dead" possesion part, though. Nice nod to that flick, whether you know it or not.

Excellent angles & edits during the hammer scenes... actually, the whole thing was assembled very well.

Overall, a very good flick. (But you should be adding some kind of graphic warning, when you post these)


Well, I've got a warning now courtesy of, Poke;) Next time I'll be sure to post a clear disclaimer for content if it's warranted.

Thanks a lot for the comments! I especially appreciate your remarks regarding the camera work, editing and sound as the content generally seems to overshadow those elements for many;)

There's definitely some reference to Evil Dead 2 in the film, particularly Bruce Campbell's amazing performance:) You might even say we were channeling good ol' Bruce when we shot some of those scenes;-)

If you have the time and you're inclined please give the flick a vote and/or comment at the IMDB at the following link: Thanks again for support and the kind words:)

If you ever want some feedback for your own work just let me know!