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"The Swan"

"The Swan"
Date Placed: 5 May 2005
Genre: Biographical
Author: John P. Roach Jr.

Logline: Riveting Classical Music Drama, on the lives of composer Richard Wagner and romantic castle builder King Ludwig II of Bavaria.

Comparative films: "Amadeus", "Immortal Beloved", and "Shine".

Contact: Satire@mei.ws
"The Swan" Synopsis

Hi Everyone:

I have noticed quite a few questions on various threads concerning "How to write a Synopsis." I don't claim the one below is the only way , but it is a typical one page synopsis accepted by the industry. Basically the industry wants to know the entire story on a single page.

Synopsis " THE SWAN "


With his passport confiscated by the Russian Government and owing creditors in both Russia and Germany RICHARD WAGNER with his wife MINNA head for the Russian Border in an attempt to reach France to have his first opera produced. The plan is to escape from Russia to Germany where he is also a wanted man and secretly board a ship bound for England then cross the channel to France where he hopes to have his opera Rienzi produced. Wagner finally has his traditional Opera Rienzi produced in Dresden, Germany. Shortly thereafter a major breakthrough occurs as his second opera, Flying Dutchman is a great success in Germany and Wagner becomes famous. Getting involved in a revolution to overthrow the Monarchy was Wagner's big downfall. He barely escapes capture for treason and moves to Switzerland in exile. (Plot point 1.)


While in exile in Zurich, Wagner writes an opera about the German Teutonic hero LOHENGRIN, who arrives with a SWAN towing his boat to save a woman accused of witchcraft. Wagner’s marriage is a disaster and he has affairs with MATHILDE and other women. His friend and fellow composer FRANZ LIZST believes Wagner has talent and helps him in any way he can. Prince LUDWIG of Bavaria at age 15 is fascinated by the swan in the Lohengrin Opera. He asks his governess for the libretti of Wagner's Operas.
Wagner's friend HANS VON BULOW and his new wife COSIMA visit Zurich to spend their honeymoon with Wagner. Years go by in exile and Wagner becomes completely destitute with creditors again chasing him. He longs for his homeland Germany, his love life is in shambles and he lives in hiding. King Max of Bavaria dies and his 19 year old son Crown Prince Ludwig II becomes King of Bavaria. Within 14 days, he summons Richard Wagner to the Palace. (Plot point 2)


King Ludwig II befriends Richard Wagner and lets him know he will never have to worry about money again. He encourages Richard to work on The Ring Cycle, a four Opera drama to be performed in a Theatre built to Wagner's specifications. Wagner and Cosima Von Bulow pledge their love for each other and have two children without the King or Hans Von Bulow's knowledge. The King's alternate art form is castle building and he builds some of the finest castles in Europe until accused of being a spendthrift for supporting both Wagner's music and his own castles. The newspapers cry for Ludwig's removal calling him "Mad King Ludwig", until he is finally put in captivity for observation at Berg Castle. A day later King Ludwig II is found drowned next to the murdered body of his doctor leaving the world both the legacy of beautiful Castles and the emotional music of the genius Richard Wagner. END

Hope this helps?
