archived-videos The Sudden Pinch

Hello. This is a rough cut of a short film that I directed and edited late last year / early this year. There are still some things to be done with it (adding sound effects, updating it with a new VO track to fill in holes in the plot, some slight editing, etc.).

It is basically a detective story about a 1940's-ish gumshoe that finds himself in 2005.

Any comments and feedback would be most appreciated. Please keep in mind that it is a mostly silent film, with little spots of sound here and there. And once again, this is just an early rough cut.

It was shot on 16mm and mini DV in NYC.


Stephen Pakula
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It's a bit of a large download so I'm sure some people can't comment for that reason. I'm downloading the movie now :). Will post when I have watched it.
I'll be watching it when I get home tonight. Don't panic. :cool:



Nicely shot.

Was pretty much impossible to follow the plot with no dialogue laid down yet, though. (no worry, I know you mentioned much stuff still needs be added)

I was expecting a time-travel twist, given what you mentioned about 40's and '05. I guess you meant attitude-wise though, unless that is explained in further V/Os or dialogue.

Some of the scenes seemed to play out a little long and could have used better pacing, including the opening ambush-in-bed scene. It's hard to tell on many scenes though, as having music, foley and dialogue in place may make the scenes move faster. (Just noticeable emptiness without it).

Do you take alternate takes of the same scenes to help with cutting edits? From what I could tell, most scenes were straight takes.

Looking forward to seeing it again, when it has the sound plugged in.

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The file is huge....but I saw the first couple of minutes and it's quite good, except I think it would be better if it had music and sound effects, especially during the little fight sequence. But that's just me. I#ll try to download it all later and give you an overall judgement.

EDIT: I reread your should repost this when it's fully edited with sound etc