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Hi there.

Looks pretty good. Whats disturbing a bit are the "wind" noises from the audiorecordings?
The scene is pretty long but takes a trip to the good old friday the 13th. I like it.
What i am really missing is music wich would make the scene more powerfull and frightening.

If you don't have a composer yet i would like to do such a work.

Whats the Story of that film? Can you tell us something about it?


well, that clip is actually just a teaser clip, not part of the actual movie. We shot that in about an hour with no mic otherthan the built-in mic on our t2i. We have a zoom h4n for the audio now though and are planning to shoot the real scene for that soon.

And, to respond to your comment about the music, or lack thereof, we don't currently have a composer or really the funds necissary to be seeking one, but we are interested in talking about the prospects of one:) so if you'd like to email me at zelchcarnahan@gmail.com
i'd be happy to talk to you about the possibilities. Thanks alot for the response and feedback:)
We really appreciate any input we can get.

Also that video has been updated/re-edited with slight improvement in audio and full 1080p hd now!
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well, that clip is actually just a teaser clip, not part of the actual movie. We shot that in about an hour with no mic otherthan the built-in mic on our t2i. We have a zoom h4n for the audio now though and are planning to shoot the real scene for that soon.

And, to respond to your comment about the music, or lack thereof, we don't currently have a composer or really the funds necissary to be seeking one, but we are interested in talking about the prospects of one:) so if you'd like to email me at zelchcarnahan@gmail.com
i'd be happy to talk to you about the possibilities. Thanks alot for the response and feedback:)
We really appreciate any input we can get.

Also that video has been updated/re-edited with slight improvement in audio and full 1080p hd now!

I wrote you an e-mail. Would be nice to hear from you guys!
