archived-videos "The Side Roads" (trailer now available)

The Side Roads is a tale about a television journalist who is searching for that one news item that will help him make his break to the big time. On a dull assignment in a sleepy little town he finds something mystical and wonderful. This jaded reporter is about to discover that the past will soon become his future. It’s a story that will reorder his priorities and change his life forever. This is a heart-warming tale that removes the barriers between today and yesterday. It’s a tale of a candle lit parade, it a tale World War I, it’s a tale of an artist, and it all comes together on The Side Roads.

The Side Roads

All comments welcome.


Hutch DeLoach
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trailer was to short and didnt spark my interest.
It showed a few cast members and ended , wish i had more to say but i dont.
just my opinion. :?
I appreciate your comment. I must confess I have struggled to create an effective trailer for this project. That on top of the fact that this is the first trailer I have ever produced.

The story does not have any sharp edges and is not action packed - so many of the things common to today's trailers are not available to us with this story. I also tried to produce it without dialog which I believe is the thing that probably hurts us the most. Finally, I have not come up with a way to hint at the movie's hook without giving it away.

We've got the feature entered in 3 upcoming film festivals. Assuming we are accepted, I plan to speak with other filmmakers who watch it and get their feedback on better ideas for an effective trailer. The feedback from the premiere (over 100 people) was very positive. We tweeked one or two things for the feature itself in the editing room based on some good suggestions. However, I admit the trailer is simply not where I want it to be and does not reflect the quality of the script.

Thanks again for your comment.


Watched the trailer and it was interesting. I think that if you cut it a little shorter and had it pose more of a question to the viewer then it would be a more effective teaser. What you have in it now seems a little too much info for a teaser, but not enough for a regular trailer. Seems interesting though.
Good Teaser

Hey Hutch, good teaser. My only gripe is some of the shots were obviously from moments of dialogue, and to me it looks bad when someones mouth is moving but all we here is the music.

Hey Poke,

Thanks for the kind words of encouragement and for the objective thoughts. You're comments are well received and I agree in many respects.

It's ironic that one of the scenes you are referring to was actually a music montage where a series of continuous cross fades of 2 guys talking over a bed of music is utilized to portray a long day of deep discussions between the 2 characters. We go from dialog into the montage and back into dialog which also occurs over a more haunting bed of music as the tone of the story changes. Whew - I still have a lot to learn in this business about what works and what doesn't... :D

Hey, but that's what makes it fun!

