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the short film channel

thank you john.
for moving the thread. i'm understanding this website a litlle better now.

and your right, i know about the spelling on the website. i have to get some one to proof it.

Q: the short film channel is a weekly show, can i post the website weekly with a new updated thread?
My film aired on this cable access show, and I was happy. Mike plays the films, talks about them, and gives out contact info. Anyone who wants to broadcast in Manhattan should send.
I think it`s a good opportunity for first-time filmmakers.
I`m composing my first short now to send it there.
But they should work on their site, because it looks a little bit strange as for a channel.
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The website is being overhauled. I'vr recently consulted with a pro. I'm doing the best I can, It's all in developement.

if you have suggestions, please feel free

The website may not be the best, and sure, there are typos, but the point is your film will be broadcast in Manhattan on cable for free. :)
Wow what a great oppertintiy!!! I'm going to have to send you a disc of shorts. I'll round something off and get it your way in the next few weeks. It's also cool for those of us that don't live in NY, like me, to watch the show when it airs. ;)
Thanks for sharing this info with us! I'll let you know when I send the DVD to you.:)
Just sent my shorts on DVD today! :) Thanks again for posting this and working with us. Anyone that hasn't sent in films yet should do so! ;)
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The Short Film Channel-season 3

hello filmmakers,
The Short Film Channel in New York City, Manhattan cable is looking for short films to air on late night tv. any genre. no submission fees. For more info please check us out. www.MichaelMizrahi.com
Hello Mike, this is Tyler Hisel, the director of Static.

I just wanted to let everyone know how great an opportunity Mike's show is. Being from Kentucky, a screening on NYC TV was a blast for us. We visited Mike in the studio and he was more than welcoming.

I highly recommend everyone take advantage of his show and this opportunity. He's a great guy and runs his show at the top notch! You won't regret working with The Short Film Channel.

Tyler Hsel
Explosium Films
I have already sent you my short film The Perfect Woman about three months ago and sent you about a dozen emails, yet you have not even bothered to reply! Why?
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