archived-videos The Real Threat - Documentary for IFC

I just finished a 3 minute documentary for the IFC's back to basics documentary challenge. They don't post the entries, so I put it up on Crackle and YouTube.


Take a look at it. I tried to get some interest in it from some of the Radio and TV commentators and political people, but no real responses.

Thanks, and I hope you enjoy it if you take a look at it. Feel free to comment either on site or here!

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If you do a follow-up, one thing I'd say to keep in mind is the ultimate point of this kind of information- I didn't grow up during the cold war, but I've seen the drills they did in public schools where the kids would practice getting under their desks (and hiding behind stacks of lead pencils as well, right? Might as well... Like, how does that help in a nuclear attack? Seriously?)...

So my point would be that I think most people are pretty well aware of the tenuous and constantly looming threat of a nuclear attack... and that in the event of one, there is absolutely nothing we can do to stop it short of walking around with lead underpants and tinfoil hats. Thus, prevention is key and that lies in the responsibility of a nation's leadership to be able to DIPLOMATICALLY and TACTFULLY negotiate with other countries through the established nuclear watchdog facilities as well as the intelligence communities, etc, etc, etc.... AKA doing their jobs!

The part of your video I DID find to be extremely effective was the comparison of congress' sports-related projects to real threats: That shows the American audience how arrogant, petty and ineffectual their government can be- which is ultimately more powerful than any nuclear bomb. Whatever your political affiliation, that's a point everyone can get behind- Why are they focusing on this bullshit when we've got all these IMPORTANT issues to deal with?!?

Thus, nuclear attacks is kind of a "well, duh" situation... whereas American political arrogance has been and IS more deadly than nuclear attacks. All one need to do is look at how elections have become petty mudslinging and celebrity whoring, or the lies that have been propagated by the military industrial complex over the last few decades, let alone years. Two nuclear bombs have been used intentionally in war. Whereas two major wars have been fought by American troops based on lies (and these are proven) that were manufactured by government (Vietnam and Iraq) with combined death tolls FAR surpassing those due to nuclear weapons... I could make a whole documentary counter to your thesis about where the "real threat" lies, using the "frog in boiling water" argument to claim that governments have too much power even WITHOUT the bomb, because at least the shock of a traumatic effect might stir a change of heart in our dysfunctional species, whereas the slow death-grip of increasingly complex and ineffectual law systems combined with dwindling resources and corporate dominance will leave the populace ignorant of the problems, even as they rot away in their lazyboys... however, I found that the first part of the video (discussing congress' priorities) to be even more stirring than any of the conjecture about possibly nuclear attack, because it HAPPENED and is FACTUAL and makes people want to DO something.

I really liked the style of the videos, the voice work was great- and maybe it's just MY opinion, but I think you have a great point in there which is overshadowed by FOX-style fact-chucking at the end replete with unprovable statistics and over-the-top fear-mongering...

So IMHO, I think your focus should be more on what's provable and less on conjecture and nuclear-fantasy, because there's a really good point buried in there, but people won't be motivated to do anything about it because all "the bomb talk" just makes people feel helpless, because indeed- WTF would you do if a nuke dropped on your house? Aside from die in a poof of flame?

Also, sources are important.... they breed credibility. But careful where you pick your sources because of bias. Sure, the Ministry of Defense would seem like a great place to get factual info on the threat of nuclear war, but it would be like asking Bill Gates what kind of computer you should buy...

But yeah- I'd love to see a full length doc from you on the subject, so I hope you win! Hope some of my reaction actually helps you out- sometimes I tend to type too much and get to critical on points, but that's how I pick apart my own work now, and I always wish more people would debate and critique with me, so don't take this the wrong way- I'm just saying all this because I know I would want the same kinda thing in return. Anyway, good luck!