archived-videos The Poke Show: "The Curse of the Pirate Sword"

I dunno why, but I find Ray friggin hilarious. Great sketch! Verrrry topical, signor!
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Pink guy,

Don't sweat over the e-mail. You're always going to offend someone, or you'll never be funny. It's just like anything. Someone will complain because you shot from too many angles, and then someone will complain that you didn't shoot from enough angles. If you aim to please everyone, you'll please no one, least of all yourself.

It's not fairyiggin grape juice!!! I followed a recipe I found on the internet for massive ammounts of fake blood, but it came out looking purplish, then the video makes it look even more so.

It was simply cherry Jello mixed with water, red food coloring, and a drop of blue food coloring. Damn the internet for lying to me!
We're using red, blue and green food coloring, corn syrup, chocolate syrup and corn starch. The blue and green tone down the RED of the red food coloring so it doesn't pop off the screen quite so much. The corstarch gets rid of the sheen so the color will show up on screen, not just the glint of the lights off of all that syrup. It adds some opacity as well and the concoction stays on top of fabric rather than soaking in. Last years' 48 hour, we drew horror much to all our chagrin, so we tested different bloods on camera. Tweaked the color to look good on camera.