archived-videos The Poke Show: D&D Tax Consultants

I am sooo not cool. :(

I can't believe you would mock us so! What about the guild pact?!? :lol:

Thankfully, I stopped playing AD&D first edition when I was in my early twenties. I'll be 39 on Tuesday so it has been awhile. I still play single-player (not online) computer RPGs like the Elder Scrolls series (Morrowind, Oblivion), but I never got into LARP (Live Action Role Playing).
I'm playing Knights of the Old Republic as we speak! Nerd to the max, baby!

I can't get into third person games. It's all first person for me. They're much more immersive. :)

F.E.A.R., Dark Messiah, Prey, Half-Life series, Stalker, Doom series, Quake series, etc. The only third-person games I enjoy are RTS (Real Time Strategy) like Warcraft (not WoW), Starcraft, Age of Empires and Command and Conquer. Haven't played KOTOR, but I've played all of the first-person Star Wars games and even the Star Trek ones. Yes, I'm a nerd, too. :P
Spatula -- I admire how you frequently go for laughs by reducing yourself to tears! And as I've said before -- I also admire how you guys keep cranking out the shorts. Its an inspiration to us all.
Now if you'll excuse me, I need to get back to Neverwinter Nights...