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The Northwest Ohio Independent Film Festival

I have already submitted our "Call For Entries", but I would like to offer some in-depth information about us...

The Northwest Ohio Film Festival provides a cultural alternative to the commercial film experience, celebrating and promoting the artistic elements of the medium. Fundamentally, it nurtures and promotes the art of filmmaking itself. The Northwest Ohio Independent Film Festival is meant to be a base to utilize, enjoy, learn, and discover, as well as become a workplace of inclusion and respect. Our focus is on the development of creativity and ideas from independent filmmakers locally and from around the nation.

The Festival is supported by The Northwest Ohio Film Foundation - a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that exists to promote the culture of cinema through screenings, workshops, events, networking and the promotion of future filmmakers and media artists from Northwest Ohio.

The Northwest Ohio Independent Film Festival is the main event where the previously mentioned goals are put into effect, as well as promote the idea of independent film. It hopes to be an avenue for artists to shine where they may not have had the chance. This includes technical artists, actors, musicians, writers, and all movie lovers young and old from around the world.

We had a TON of success last year as we offered panel discussions, after parties and an Awards Gala for filmmakers and guests. This is a FILMMAKER-FIRST festival. I have made it a point to be sure that everyone understands our job is to promote the films and artists and NOT our sponsors. If we have no movies, we have no Festival.

You can discover more information about us at our website: www.nwoff.org
You can also "LIKE" our Facebook page if you CLICK HERE.
