The New "subscription" IndieTalk

Well, I just got my PM saying that I will soon have to pay for Indietalk. I have one thing to say: I will gladly pay.

One time I checked out Indietalk's Alexa rating and it was VERY high. I also notice that about 1/3 of my site's traffic comes from here. It's a busy site. I always wondered how IndieTalk could operate for free with few/no ads. If I owned this site I would be bankin' it already...That just goes to show me that Dan (I think that's his real name) actually has a passion for filmmaking and it's community...not just to make when I have to pay, I will because I know that it's well worth it. This site has hooked me up so much already. The perfectly complimenting music for my movies "Mustache Montage", and the upcoming "Julia's Grave" wouldn't be there if it wasn't for this site.

Just thought I'd say that. Your thoughts on the subject?
Totally agree, Logan L. I would like to add that of all the forums I visited and became a member of, this is the ONLY one I keep coming back to. The people are respectful and knowledgeable. Dan has created a nice oasis for serious filmmakers and artists and I am proud to call myself a member of Indietalk.
bird said:
The people are respectful




I kid, I kid.... (or do I?)
I also agree this is one of the best filmmaker forums out there. Hey maybe I can work for indietalk one day and loose my day job. So yes I would gladly pay.
I would be happy to pay for the premium member status. above all other sites, this is the best and most respectful. We are all working to help each other here. There's no fighting or childish bickering.

Is there a lifetime membership offer?
Good one, Zen! Logan L's a good sport, ain't he? Wait a sec........I'M the post above you. Why yous, I'm gonna.....