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watch The Move - My first (and maybe last) stunt

This was our third short. In this one we wanted to try a couple of new things: stunts, and using green screen to get a hit. I think that these two were pretty ok.
The script isn't that great, we didn't review it enough. And the audio needed improvement. But we only have one camera guy with a microphone, and the stairs made too much eco.


And the tacky end credits are the best that we have improvised so far.

Ah, and sorry for our accents... this is an international collaboration :-)

Please give tips/feedback/destroy it or tell us how great we are (just kidding, we just do it for the fun).

Note: The final scene the guy on the floor (me) had a huge headache from the stunt... many hits on the head...
i like the stunt and i think the titles being written on box was a clever touch. with the accents i was curious as to what country you are in?
Thanks, the box credits weren't really planned, you can even heard saying "it's so tacky..."

We are a group from different countries, this one is a French, a Spanish, and the camera & else Dutch. We are located in Holland (Europe), and we don't speak the local language or the language of each other, hahha

The stunt took quite some courage and pain. We setup two mattresses, one on the stairs and one at the bottom. The problem is that the mattresses make the fall more steep, and I got a lot of speed. Also we didn't protect the bars, so on each fall (we did it like 5 times) I had to be careful with my head... I hit it twice, but always just when I was standing up (completely dizzy). The camera is set in a way that you canĀ“t see the mattress.
Also we did some reverse shots and other ones of me rolling, so we could get shots with the stairs and no mattresses.

The week after we actually met a professional stunt man who recommended me to always put the chin down to protect it. Luckily I kind of did that by ignorance.