archived-videos "The More The Better" sex/comedy flick

We have a short clip from our new feature "The More The Better" online at

This movie is one of three mockumentary feature-length films that were made with ultra-low-budgets of under 100 bucks each.

The other two are the recently completed "Amateur Porn Star Killer" by Shane Ryan
and "Reality Sucks" by Ryan, Jeremy Williams and Rob Crew.

"The More The Better" is a sex/comedy movie about interracial gay/lesbian/straight relationships, focusing on four couples that are all seeking to take their lover's virginity in the same night.

It was directed by Jessie Amos and Shane Ryan.

Mature Audiences only: contains nudity. This is just a clip of the film taken from the early editing stages. It is not a trailer.

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Always expect the taboo from alterEGO. This is an interesting concept, are they all planning on performing the sex act in the same place? I only ask cause it seemed by what they said that they were planning on going to a Swingers club.

Every single one of them can dance better than I can, that's for sure. :P

Sounds like an intriguing concept for a film.

The clip by itself doesn't really show the comedy aspect you mentioned; looking forward to seeing an actual trailer that will put everything into perspective.

You peeps make some fascinating films; not all of it pretty or happy, but always very human.

Poke said:
are they all planning on performing the sex act in the same place? I only ask cause it seemed by what they said that they were planning on going to a Swingers club.


Poke, you nailed it. Wasn't sure how detailed I should get about that, would truely make it sound like soft-porn if I included that, but not like we haven't heard that before :blush:

Zensteve: All the raw footage of the gay relationship was pretty funny, as was the couple played by Will Davis and Cheryl Daro (the Caucasian guy with the Asian girl). The lesbian rlationship was actual more of a depressing situation and the final relationship was probably the most melow, mixture of both. But who knows until it's all put together, I've seen lots of our stuff totally manipulated in the editing room, so maybe this will come out as more of a drama, but the concept, for now, sounds more like comedy, so I'm using the comedy aspect for now to promote it. The only thing I know for sure is that the movie was really pushing the fact that interracial relationships are not a bad thing (it's basically an anti-racist movie I guess you could say), and that part is more on the dramatic side, or completely on the dramatic side.

Thanks for checkin :yes: