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watch The Mix-In Trailer 3 & Sneak Preview!

Hi everyone!

This is the third and final trailer for my first feature film, The Mix-In. It also includes a sneak preview after the trailer plays of a chase sequence in the film. The link is here:


The film was shot entirely on HDV, and we without a doubt pushed it to it's limits. The decision to shoot on HDV was mostly due to our budget, which was $6200. We used a Sony V1 with a Letus Extreme and Canon lenses, as well as a Canon HV30 as our 'B' camera. The film was edited in FCP and will be onlined in AE. The color grading was done using a combination of Apple's Color, Colorista and Looks. I would love to get feedback on this. My first 2 trailer's had the old color grading, and thanks to a lot of great feedback on here and other forums, I was able to (hopefully lol) resolve some of the issues that it had.

Thanks! :)
Looks good, I would point out that the trailer sells the movie more than the sneak preview (which for an action scene I felt a bit lack lustered). But overall it looks to be a great movie.